Top 10 Penetration Testing & Ethical Hacking Linux Distributions


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3 Tem 2016
  1. Kali Linux:


    Kali Linux is a Penetration Testing Distribution based on Debian. Developed by Offensive Security. The first release was on February 5, 2006, it’s a completion of BackTrack Linux Project. It used to use GNOME as a Desktop Environment. Nowadays Kali Linux became a Rolling release Distro. It has a lot of tools in the Kali Repositories. Kali Linux Ranked number one in Top 10 Penetration Testing & Ethical Hacking Linux 2018.

  2. Parrot Security OS:


    Parrot Security Operating System is a Penetration Testing & Forensics Distro dedicated to Ethical Hackers & Cyber Security Professionals. It has a big repository that collects a lot of amazing hacking tools for newbies and experts. Developed by FrozenBox. The first release was in June 2013. It used to use MATE as a Desktop Environment it’s based on Debian like Kali Linux.

  3. BackBox Linux:


    Backbox Linux is a penetration testing distro based on Ubuntu Linux. Developed by BackBox Team. The first release was on September 9, 2010. Backbox used to use XFCE as a Desktop Environment and Ubuntu LTS versions as a base. It contains the most professional, famous and used tools in the PenTesting field like MSF, NMAP, BurpSuite, Armitage, SQLMap and so on.

  4. BlackArch Linux:


    Black arch Linux based Arch Linux. Lightweight Penetration Testing Distro designed for Professional & Elite Hackers who have the ability to work with Linux like a Pro. Used to use Fluxbox & OpenBox as a Desktop Environment with other DE’s. It has huge tools in the repository more than 1500+ hacking tool included in the Distro & Repo. The first release was in 2013.

  5. Pentoo:


    Pentoo a PenTesting distro based on Gentoo. Nice collection of hacking tools. The first release was in June 2005. It’s somehow an old distro. We can say it’s outdated.

  6. Samurai Web Testing Framework (Samurai-WTF):


    Samurai WTF is a Professional Web Application Penetration Testing Framework & Distro. It contains only WebApp Pentest Tools such as Burpsuite, SQLMap… and so on. Based on Ubuntu. The first release was in 2008.

  7. Network Security Toolkit (NST):


    Network Security Toolkit also is known as NST is a Professional Distro designed for Network Security & Network Penetration Testing Operations. Based on Fedora. It contains the most professional & used tools in Network PenTest field. The first release was in 2003.

  8. WifiSlax:


    Wifislax amazing Wifi Penetration Testing Distro based on Ubuntu. It contains a lot of Wifi Cracking/Hacking/PenTesting tools. Developed by an Italian Security Team.

  9. Bugtraq:


    Bugtraq professional penetration testing distro designed for Penetration Testing Operations and Reverse Engineering and Malware Analysis Missions. Based on Debian, contain a lot of hacking tools. Developed by Bugtraq-Team, the first release was in 2012.

  10. Cyborg Hawk:


    Cyborg Hawk, Ubuntu-Based Penetration Testing & Ethical Hacking distribution. Contain more than 700 hacking tools. Amazing distro for hacking purpose. Developed by Cyborg Hawk Team from Australia.

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