Usefulness of Android Application in the Library:


15 Kas 2020

Library automation provides a comprehensive way to lessen physical labor, reduce human error and grant access to information materials anywhere and anytime. A mobile computerized system for handling the activities and services of the library helps the library staffs to process the work more accurately, and it saves time as well. This research work aimed to design and implement an Android application for the library so that libraries can use to overcome the social and other challenges that prevent them from providing services on the go. The Android application was designed and implemented using the Android Studio which contains XML (extensible mark-up language) and Java. At the back-end HTML (Hypertext mark-up language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), PHP (PHP Hypertext pre-processor), and MySQL database were used. The system was tested after the development and found it suitable for meeting all the requirements specified. The system can add to the integrity of the library, ease the activities of the librarian and eliminate the stress related to the current process of searching for library books and other study materials. Before the introduction of the Android OS, access to the library ********s was done only by the librarian. Android applications have become more popular and it holds a maximum number of users when compared to all other platforms. The Android application retrieves the information stored in the library database through the library server, for example, checking whether the books are available in the library or borrowed without intervening anyone. Users can suggest books for the library, and they are notified about their suggestion by the librarian. This article brings a new idea of the users to access the library.

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