VirtualBox Installation & Explanation [With Images] 2020


Özel Üye
21 Nis 2020

- First of all, go to VirtualBox's official site and download the latest version compatible for windows.
we choose.


- We download the file for Windows of the most recent version we have selected to our computer.

- We select the desktop and save the file we will download to the desktop.

-Our file has started to downloading, we are waiting for it.

- After downloading, we move on to the classic installation and start the installation with the Run option.

- We click on Next to the setup wizard window that appears.

- We choose the disk which is we want the program will be intalled to by clicking the Browse.After this, we say Next.

- We mark the ticks in the window that comes before us and say Next.

- This window also tells us that there will be a Network Connection problem while continuing the installation, we say Yes and continue the installation.

- In the last window we see, we click Install and continue the installation.

- At the end of the installation phase, we are waiting for the transfer of the files required to install the application in the window that appears.

- We click to the Virtualbox's own software called Oracle Corporation Install.

- In this last window, we say Finish and complete the installation of VirtualBox.

- Then we go to Ubuntu's official site and download it.


- We wait for the download screen and download the ISO file.

- After downloading Virtualbox, we double click and open it and we find and click the New button on the screen that appears.

- Then, after the Create Virtual Machine window appears, we write the name of the machine we will install in the Name section and click Next.

-We select the amount of RAM we want to give from the Memory Size window and click Next. Since I want to give 2GB of ram, I choose it as 2048MB.

- From the Hard Disk window, we select Create a virtual disk now and click Create.

-Select the VDI (Virtualbox Disk Infrastructure) option, which is already selected from the Hard Disk file type window, and click Next.

- Then we come to the storage part in the physical hard disk, we say Variable Allocated and we click on Next.

- After our processes are completed, we press the Start button to start our machine.

- Then we click on the folder icon on the right.

- We select our Ubuntu ISO file on our desktop and click Open.

- After selecting our ISO and confirming that it is selected, we confirm by clicking Start.

- As you can see, we started installing the Ubuntu OS, and that was it.

Translator: Dolyetyus

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