What Is a Wayback Machine and Why Is It Important?


Uzman üye
9 Tem 2013

What is Wayback Machine?

The Wayback Machine allows you to view older versions of the website, see changes that have been made, troubleshoot existing issues on your individual site, and moreover, view content that no longer exists on the web. The Wayback Machine is important for preserving the history of the Internet.

Founded on May 12, 1996 by the Internet Archive, the Wayback Machine is a free online service that scans web addresses at different time intervals, takes screenshots, and then preserves the history of the Internet by backing up those sites. The Wayback Machine is named after The Rocky and Bullwinkle's Show's "Peabody's Improbable History" and the Wayback Machine.

Although the Wayback Machine was founded in 96, it was fully customized, developed, and only certain people had access to the content. In 2001, the Wayback Machine was opened to the public. During its development phase, the Wayback Machine archived more than 663 billion websites to be exact.


Is the Wayback Machine Legal?

There are so many grey areas where the legality of the WaybackMachine is concerned. As an example, Europe's WaybackMachine has accepted copyright laws and its archived creators may decide whether their content can be archived or not. If a content creator wants the Internet to be taken from the Wayback Machine, it must be purchased over the Internet.
In addition, several organizations were filed against WaybackMachine from other organizations and lawsuits, such as the Church of Scientology, Health lawyers, Inc.

A few countries have banned the Wayback Machine altogether, but that's more censorship than any legal issue. The Wayback Machine was blocked in China and blocked for a time in Russia in 2015-2016.

The Importance of the Wayback Machine

The importance of the Wayback Machine is obvious. Preserving the history of the internet is important enough, but we can also come back and view the original content source to see what it's like before updates are made to the content. This can be very useful, especially for the ever-changing information age.

You can even use the Wayback Machine to troubleshoot your personal Web site. it even provides a solid argument for fixing any issues your site may encounter. And you can even recover entire websites. Thanks to multiple bots and dedicated volunteers, Wikipedia has managed to replace 9 million broken references thanks to the Wayback Machine.

And also, if a website is currently down, you can use the Wayback Machine to view the website. You can view older content even if there won't be any new content on the site until site administrators resolve the issue.

Another great use of WaybackMachine is that it sees websites that are no longer in use. Still, there are some shortcomings going on here. The Wayback Machine takes a screenshot of a particular web address at a specific time at a specific time, depending on when WaybackMachine took the screenshot, some or some of the content may be missing.

Now we all used the wayback machine and https://www.turkhackteam.org/
Let's review the old content of the forum :)
First, let's go to the official web address of the wayback machine:

Internet Archive: Wayback Machine



We want to examine the snapshot of the input that appears on the main page

We enter the web address
I entered the web address of the forum to give an example from the forum

After entering the web address (Browse history), let's click on the button.


And it tells us the date and time of the snapshots it takes.
Charts that look like black graphs show how often snapshots are taken.

Now we can go to a date we want from here and go to that time
Let's take a look at the forum :)



I wanted to review a snapshot taken in November 2011.

After clicking on the part where the clock is written, it will direct us


And yes, in November of 2011
This is the main page of our forum.

Let's examine a little more :)



The Sections at that time were also quite beautiful.
I especially liked the valley of wolves section :)


CO-Admin and Smod at that time

And Ranks



Translator: @ByFelez
Subject Author: @ZiFiЯ
Subject: https://www.turkhackteam.org/konular/wayback-makinesi-nedir-ve-neden-onemlidir.2018035/

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