What is Blockchain


Katılımcı Üye
29 Şub 2020

What is Blockchain

Blockchain, if we talk briefly about its definition, some experts also refer to it as an online ledger.

What Is Blockchain Used For?

Blockchain is a digital ledger used to keep track of all Software data we have. Thanks to this Software, many processes are followed. For example;

  • Money Movements
  • Keep track of who owns the artworks
  • Keeping track of who owns the poems
  • Monitoring of goods entry and exit transactions
It is possible to say that the blockchain has a very wide usage area. Blockchain applications can be used in many business branches, from sports to arts, from certification to healthcare, from shipping to voting.

It becomes very useful because it has data that cannot be changed in any way, such as a chain with the name of Blockchain, and this data cannot be hacked in any way and has the ability to store it in a very systematic way.

Each block is linked to the next block with the help of a code. That's why it gets the name of the chain.

Blockchains provide extremely high security and privacy. People and computers using Blockchain allow their identity to be hidden behind a code using Blockchain.


We can define each server participating in the blockchain as a node of the blockchain by making its computer (Server) available. In this established chain, the nodes created by the servers can be millions and provide uninterrupted service. Blockchain's greatest achievement is trying to get more computers (servers) to join the blockchain.

If we give an example of the most popular blockchain networks; Let's take Bitcoin and Ethereum as an example. Cryptocurrencies like the ones we gave are the best examples of Blockchain. The smart contract feature that Ethereum provides also increases the importance of Ethereum using the blockchain.


Have a nice day



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