What is Crypter and how it works? //The Translation Club

First, you need to know some concepts to understand the purpose of Crypter.

Stub: There is a task to hide the encrypted file.

Client: Hides the encrypted file with the stub.

Some malware you can hide with Crypter:

Keylogger: It is simply harmful software. The purpose of the virus is to listen to the keyboard in the infected system, so it records everything you type on the keyboard.

Trojan: Trojan viruses are more comprehensive than Keyloggers. In addition to doing what Keylogger does, copies system information, accesses all files in the system it is infected, webcam, mouse, etc. He can control hardware, view your License keying, so he does a lot of things.

What's Crypter?

First of all, when you create any virus, antivirus programs detect a 90% probability that it's a virus. And when you want it to be undetected, the Crypters are involved in this. Crypters encrypt the source code within the trojan virus by reverse engineering and make it unrecognizable by antiviruses.

Of course, there's no guarantee that every virus encrypted by Crypter will pass through the antiviruses, but it'll probably bypass the antiviruses.

Original Source: Crypter Nedir ve Nasıl çalışır

Have a nice day.

Good Lessons <3

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