What is Information Security Expert


Kıdemli Üye
3 Haz 2017
Hi TurkHackTeam members. I'll explain you Information Security and Information Security Expers today.

Firstly, i'llexplain what is "Information";

Information is an uncountable noun meaning ‘facts about someone or something. / (quoted from cambridge dictionary

Also, something (such as a message, experimental data, or a picture) which justifies change in a construct (such as a plan or theory) that represents physical or mental experience or another construct
What is "Information Security";

Information security refers to the processes and methodologies which are designed and implemented to protect print, electronic, or any other form of confidential, private and sensitive information or data from unauthorized access, use, misuse, disclosure, destruction, modification, or disruption
If we learned these, let's learn what is "Information Security Expert"

Information security experts knows 'Information' word's mean completely. Start from basic is good. We need to learn what is 'Information' firstly. There are so many articles in google for that. We should read diffrent sources.

If we learned what is 'Information', we need to know 'Security' word's mean completely. Like i said, you can learn this with read articles.

If we learned that, let's learn what do information security experts do. I'll explain this in a example from our website.


Our Admin: We have a backup server in France for attacks and dangerous cases.

There are informations(data) we have to protect. That informations are in France 𝑳ocation. They are in backup server. If a hacker reach to them, he/she can get our all informations. We have to protect them. If you think "How can i protect them", we need to make strong our server. If we make strong our server, that attacker gets hard while trying to capture our informations. If you think "How can i make strong our server", there are so many ways to do it. For example;

-Physical security
-Using a trusted OS (operating system)
-Using Anti-Malware and Daily Check
-Administrator Security
-Making penetration test for finding vulnerables

If we do these things, our server will be protect. Well, information security experts do these things.

Source: https://www.turkhackteam.org/bilgi-...338295-bilgi-guvenlik-uzmani-nedir-giris.html
Translater: M3m0ry
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