What is Signal OWL?


Yeni üye
15 Kas 2020

SIGINT (signal intelligence) has become of great importance in the world. Countries have definitely created a SIGINT team for their intelligence services. As technology advances rapidly, we have come to a time when normal people can do signal intelligence. The equipment I will tell you shortly is a signal intelligence equipment that will make it easier for us to do signal intelligence. The name of this tool is Signal OWL.

What is Signal OWL?

Signal OWL is a SIGINT and pentesting equipment that helps to generate signal intelligence, a simple system that looks like usb, made by the company that makes Rubber Ducky, namely Hak5. Signal OWL contains important tools such as Aircrack-ng, MDK4. Thus, it can help you use these tools easily.


What is the Purpose of Signal OWL?

We have a little understanding of what Signal OWL is, its purpose is to be able to monitor signals. Since Signal OWL is a portable equipment with its small size, it has an important share in its preference. Its main purpose is to monitor the airspace or help to monitor devices via WiFi, Bluetooth, SDR and GPS. Signal OWL is also used by pentests. This equipment has many features such as the ability to add your own payloads.



We found that Signal OWL is an important piece of equipment for signal intelligence. With this equipment, we can save time and do two jobs at the same time (penetration testing and signal intelligence). In this way, Signal OWL will continue to be a very important tool in the future.

source: https://www.turkhackteam.org/siber-guvenlik/1942558-signal-owl-nedir.html
çevirmen/translator: Captainyarimca
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