What is the DDoS?


19 Tem 2011

-What is the DoS?-


The explain of the DDoS is "Denial Of Service". The purpose of this is the disrupting service. Continuous and regular attacks on the system render the system inoperable.

-DDoS Attacking Types-

1) Buffer Overflow

İt sends traffic to system that it can't take it. İt will be overstep and it can't be system anymore. A buffer is a block of memory where servers store consecutive types of data in memory.

2) SYN Attacks

İt use the ip adress which never used on internet. And sends SYN packets. Target makes an approval package to return and redirects to anothar ip adress. The target machine can't give an return for non use ip adress and redirect again and again.
İt can't hold up a new connection so it cant connect with main machine.

3) Smurf Attacks

Attacker want a new ping from target machine. But the ping packet was prepared as if it were coming from the main machine. İn this point the all machines send ping packets to main machine. The main machine can't hold up these packets and it comes down.

-What is DDoS?-


The Distributed Denial of Service attacks is an multi version of the DoS. There are mucher packet than DoS. This attacking system is uses so many ip adress. İt can make much damage. BotNet is generally an network for this.

-What is this Botnet?-

Botnet is an virus. Any site or any file you downloaded can make your computer an zombie computer. The attacker is powerfull up to machine number. He tries add botnet network as he can do and we helps it if we have downloaded an botnet file.
İt can be an botnet if our network and pc is slower than past.

To not to be a member for botnet network:

The best way to protect of this attacks is taking the necessary precautions. You can scan with any security wall. Also you can use firewalls to check your internet network.

-What is the Firewall?-


Firewalls are an security wall. İt warns us to any connect isnt safe. İt protect us for unauthorized access.


Çeviri Kaynağı: https://www.turkhackteam.org/web-se...tnet-firewall-nedir-stajyerasistankulubu.html

Translator: Xowly
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