What is Trojan Horse?


Yaşayan Forum Efsanesi
21 Ağu 2016
The term Trojan horse is derived from the famous Homer's Iliad. The name itself represents a trap disguised into something seemingly harmless. The analogy is valid also in the computer world. Trojan horse or "Trojan" is any program (part of computer code), which seemingly has some harmless or beneficial function, while it in fact contains a hidden malicious functionality. They are most often represented as some interesting programs or perhaps some video or audio content that the user is looking for. The main difference between Trojan horses, viruses and worms is that Trojan horse cannot replicate. It relies on a careless user who, not knowing, voluntarily allows it to run on his/her computer. The second feature, which is well to note, is that Trojan horse is much more dangerous and malicious from viruses and worms. Antivirus programs and similar protection programs are usually unable to identify it. Basically, the main purpose of Trojan horse is to allow the attacker to access system files. Trojan horse can induce a variety of damage in the infected computer. It can delete files or even whole partitions, copy files to the infected computer, edit register values, rename files, steal passwords and other sensitive data, disable security program, disable or restart the computer, disconnect the keyboard, mouse, or other peripheral devices and similar.

It can be distributed in different ways. For example, as an attachment via email, via IRC (Internet Relay Chat) and chat rooms, by sending through ICQ or other instant messaging services. It can be hidden inside legitimate programs on the web sites from which one can download free applications. Or it can be hidden on web sites that offer, for example, some adult content or some hacking tools. And, of course, by physical copying to the computer. Before the Trojan horse can attack, it first needs to find a way to lure the user to copy the program and runs it. To achieve this, two methods are used. It tries to "represent" itself as some harmless or useful program. We can say that it disguises in some other program for which the user may think is harmless – like some computer game or some utility program. Sometimes, it is even enough to change the name of the Trojan horse in the name of some well-known program, so that the user opens it.
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