İşte gerçek deep web


Yeni üye
21 Şub 2021
Deepweb bilinmeyenler uzantılar hk. Bilgilendirme

Bu konumda sizlere darknet giriş konumuzu anlatacagim. Herkezin o mehsur quantum pc ve router yalanını unutun ihtiyacınız olan şeyler ;

Not : Sadece eğitim amaçlı bir konudur olağanlarlaysan ne ben nede türk hack team sorumludur.

hack ### - sadece ChaosVPN ve tor stok5 ayarı
vpnhub1.hack/chaosvpn.png - only from inside ChaosVPN; updated once per hour
vpnhub1.hack/chaosvpn.nodes.html - simple display of nodes uptime
irc.hackint.hack - OpenVPNs irc chat (speak to other hackers)

taur ### - Taur-node (darkfantasy netork & Taurus)
http://roleaqyvoptycosot.taur - Mental Manipulation
http://sqavpds3dvt9ofapv.taur - WKLR0.99 (Page to download Software)
http://8aroyra1rreuywpyz.taur - Exit Matrix on Humanity
http://dhmelalk3nrporito.taur - Gates to the dark system (systems to access different sites of the "Deep Web" if we still can call it so...)
http://fgevbi6are9bbluia.taur - Unix Paradise & Unix History
http://r4agfi4lebareoquy.taur - Illegal darkcode (The most powerfull botnets ever created)
http://cbhnse8klemceraqq.taur - Guliana City ******** (Shows you the ******** of a hidden city where very few people live)

################################################## ################################################## ############################################
### .nept ### - Nept-node (darkfantasy network & Neptilla Network)
http://girogahary5arofeideidegivoly.nept - Dark Babylon City (Hidden Marketplace)
http://vaerviraleminokorezdumpbile7.nept - BbTINA (Unknown)
http://bareyaelece4arakakorskyu3eda.nept - Triangle of Bermudes
http://faremquaerladeppoyelcevingab.nept - Ragnarok Index Place (Restricted Zone)
http://projectyvereze7keralmoniakci.nept - Main Hallwitchz Germany (German Hacktivist Group)
http://ekkhgiskagfrawahulatriaottyx.nept - Inside Area51
http://uohibsuolphft7hggrjs7fdmfngj.nept - "Illegal" Music
http://fareidkeuwqocelmkjftistykasz.nept - Xibozavvy Raw Pitozz (Unknown Site)
http://cjem9kkkkkafe02experimentdce.nept - Cyber Extortion Investigation
http://ezn1gldcxdsenvekuygerilomash.nept - New Worlds Order
http://5treonolopiopsygnikovylnarop.nept - Highly Dangerous Bombs
http://kisel17garenbzajreljeferoilh.nept - Destroy the whole planet in a few minutes
http://hr3arwptprotectyrprivaxbevvt.nept - How to inject evil code on any website
http://qorlynp9cvbenmygelhoterkbolk.nept - Xinuv13 Old Archive's

################################################## ################################################## ############################################
### .life ### - (darkfantasy network & Life Network)
http://wofedaoralckedodareo82laslngl...xavoryurp.life - How the universe was created
http://idutyrielnxopetirkeoapri1ozab...ialeraseo.life - Get free and get to know all the secrets
http://jdpeduntren4ftek1rolegofargyb...ntrolifor.life - Power is yours (Site where a long code needs to be decrypted to access, 1KM code encryption)

################################################## ################################################## ############################################
### .elen ### - Elen-node (darkfantasy network) (DaFy loved a girl named Elen, Elen then broke his heart. He named a domain after Elen so he could rememorate the days he had with her.)
RaZxVBBaseRiaor.elen - Fly Fly Butterfly (Site where a Naked Girl is and there are butterlies arround, it's a encrypted message)
GcbDfoE9ACerey4.elen - List of dafy, clos, exit, project, nept, onion, etc... link beauty life to live (Unknown)
UaWeFcccXwq0qvc.elen - WARNING, TOXIC SITE (Unknown)

################################################## ################################################## ############################################
### .dafy ### - Dafy-node (darkfantasy network) (Connected in FreeNet since 2012) (Dafy created .dafy in FreeNet in the year 2012, for his intelligence to be dumped somewhere and so he could sell software etc. And let the appropriate people see it)
G94dkElc.dafy - Conspiration Forum
HcEmc37a.dafy - Follow The White Rabbit
XzSeRr4j.dafy - Evidence with contact with arficiial intelligence
AwR5tFVB.dafy - Paralel Universe
Yu7BVaxj.dafy - Picture Of Your House ("When you enter this page, there is a picture of your house")
ZAdLR32n.dafy - Contract a corrupt Cop in America
Fwjlaoer.dafy - Contact With Lost Girl (Spiritual Stuff)
77777777.dafy - Talk with a blessed power and get blessed
oPeSDark.dafy - ###
K0xAraeY.dafy - Destroy database of webserver online (Get information of a database)
Hr5xzgfe.dafy - Contract Highly Professional ELite Hackers (They can do basically everything & help you to enter "The Primarch System")
S7fVeSeJ.dafy - Atlantic Source Project (A place were everything can be found)
GhvDeRad.dafy - Dead Forest In Japan
CBHErA79.dafy - Classified Information
6GRyE488.dafy - The Forbidden Party (Here, they sell every type of drugs)
QtErZeA2.dafy - Go Home FBI, we don't need your bullshit anymore (INVITE ONLY)
2OGD0Ezx.dafy - Your mind has no limits, the time yes (Blanc website, one of the most dangerous, much information)
GoNdEfmX.dafy - Welcome to the real matrix (Almost impossible to access here)
T7ae9SeA.dafy - Deal with persons that have a big power
VbS0rKxc.dafy - Knownledge Is Yours
KsDmUxz5.dafy - Dangerous Music That could harm your brain temporaly
7WeRedEj.dafy - Person Exposed Pay A Ammount of Leafcoin & Peercoin to expose someone
3G0BYrAr.dafy - Goodbye Raresoftware (Site that unmask all types of cyber scams)
Y6xVbJJK.dafy - Agent Of Death (Contract Assasins)
CrEdEdlv.dafy - Chat With Darkfantasy Online
5ie7ErPr.dafy - Prometeus Chat
RoLiN3dw.dafy - Information about the future of our planet telius
TtRc8KKK.dafy - Ingredient Of The Coca Cola
RuFuTTTY.dafy - How to travel in the future
WkkuOOnw.dafy - Wake Up & Live the "real life" Matrix
HjKiUal4.dafy - The Trap Of "Anonymous" and their real origin
T6sOEser.dafy - Dark Joker Place
IVVyAe91.dafy - Hello To Myself
PPqERa7q.dafy - Enjoy the spectacle
hGmaTer5.dafy - Dark Mathematicer (Hacking Forum)

################################################## ################################################## ############################################
### .loky ### - Ubuntu, ChaosVPN and polaris (possibly closed)
lm7z8x6s.loky - wiki & site list
8OD1uSrP.loky - Japanese history [Open]
RFzEarcM.loky - Unknown [closed or moved]
CXX8tAp5.loky - Unknown [closed or moved]
Q3hh3ras.loky - Links (Layer 3) [Open]
7hQW6EQs.loky - Stolen Email Accounts (Part-1) [Open]
75nHF42v.loky - Stolen Email Accounts (Part-2) [Open]
Z8R2Myvz.loky - Hackers in prison[404]
USAi0wph.loky - Discussion about time travel (with the mind) [closed or moved]
NR5ZMajL.loky - The secrets of the links .clos [Open]
XAGxthAB.loky - Photos of the edge of the universe (Interesting) [Open]
6nXDwKW2.loky - Dimensional travel [Open]
45jAEnn1.loky - Radio Control Manual [Open]
8fitM3fk.loky - Knowing my IP [Open]
W3ns0q4v.loky - PHP Multiple Error Page [Open]
Eah1mr61.loky - Age of Earth [Open]
Sx1zzzzz.loky - Relax song (Blues) [Open]
GGGGGGGG.loky - The G Site [Open]
Uen5c84x.loky - Nevada Military Zone Plans (Area 51) [Open]
B3hqj56x.loky - Black Market Fruit (WTF?) [Open]
P0nkk91N.loky - Arming a Whirlpool Refrigerator [404]
IZr8fMca.loky - Stolen Cell Phones [Open]
VXa2O9bN.loky - All anonymous transactions/Operations (2011-2014) [Open]
9Jfz4hrE.loky - See yourself on your webcam [Open]
SMKTKJVa.loky - Human Experiments [Closed]
Y7mujomP.loky - Experimental and Unstable Hardware [Closed]
8OD1uSrP.loky - Torture a human being online [unkown]
EBZ9tOvU.loky - Music with subliminal messages [open]

################################################## ################################################## ############################################
### .clos ### - Freenet, ChaosVPN, Ubuntu (ip9?) (clossys?) (Closed Shell System)
http://g5h6j8t66t4jhbn9iksh6.clos/ - HUMAN TRAFFICKING & organs
http://duanjfheyu5clq9ia7yt6.clos/ - CLASSIFIED INFORMATION (darkestdepth? clossys4.3.3?)
http://jquydhr7nqb59j16jh6d0.clos/ - Erlast Project
http://duehgje76nd543dk0987h.clos/ - Project Dark Warrior
http://lqkcindg61o95g67a54f3.clos/ - Baphomet and Habierto Ccult
http://ajtqnc65ldo91jh7dgq62.clos/ - Crystalline power metrics
http://kcjend84dli8y6qt178gq.clos/ - Broder engine plans
http://pqociudthqi856dn72ksu.clos/ - Death coil Tesla
http://doqj64ndhsjkeipa9187z.clos/ - Discussion about God and Baphomet & Act 13 (the 13 biggest Illuminati families and their contribution)
http://pw.k45s9vcx03f5eq2vsa2v5.clos/ - The 5th dimension and ascension
http://audjendjgksl76dns387c.clos/ - THE DEVELOPMENT OF AIDS IN A LAB
http://vqbnut45cvbahgp528bz2.clos/ - PROPHECY HIDDEN BY RELIGIONS
http://twhsdiuy5cvbzushjsdf4.clos/ - niyiu the sky turns red
http://vqbnut45cvbahgp528bz2.clos/ - THE invension OF RELIGIONS FOR HUMAN CONTROL
http://iaudychq87dhy6tdgt4h7.clos/ - SEND A MESSAGE, Haras PACT WITH THE DEVIL
http://euejhyatgqozip2d8ej21.clos/ - world government bloodline
http://hqjieu6dh616k9lmp5dt7.clos/ - LEADERS Illuminati, ITS CREATOR DECENDENSIA (BLOOD LINE)
http://mlqkcjdhgeud6hdy78jsh.clos/ - ******** of atlantis
http://ydbcnqhopqmeltucyeik3.clos/ - Snuff Videos, Choose the victim online
http://2vvdda9o0g0uulm3f75dq750q.clos - clintonemails

trico ### - Polaris, ChaosVPN, Freenet
http://7dhmelalk3hlrxdorix79.trico - Gates to the Dark System [reopened]
http://7x8jteifdoxd9y3nizezy.trico - Vacuum cooling

################################################## ################################################## ############################################
### .desa ### - ChaosVPN, Ubuntu, Freenet
http://ztwtfly2atmlot2bj.desa - Biohazard
http://32ikuen545dwx33ue.desa - Unlock any Bitcoin wallet in one second

################################################## ################################################## ############################################
### .quit ### - ChaosVPN, Ubuntu, Freenet
http://v7m70g2p4hgfdm4r7ylndznteunf.quit - Cerebral Software
http://u1kq9xqvhigs7bydslan9sgfqt6w.quit - Reincarnation
http://zd27r48gjv7xixv88nmvcntfgpe0.quit - IPv9 configuration
http://tizn3rlo7vxoa8v5hcpku6zgd1j3.quit - Travel with your mind

################################################## ################################################## ############################################
### .deny ### - ChaosVPN, Ubuntu, Freenet
wfauzbhv.deny - Mayan Calendar decoded cipher
ezfhqfxu.deny - Human Superpowers
qyfcuvgv.deny - Who Am I? (Site shows complete information about you)
nqmhrfqd.deny - The real X-Files archives
tkdijiht.deny - Brain transplant
jxkbqeil.deny - AI in a box
uwjocezd.deny - Wow signal source

################################################## ################################################## ############################################
### .end ### - ChaosVPN, Ubuntu, Freenet
http://Cjeb9Uik.end - Qubits teleporting
http://7eJwrUbB.end - Kill the blue cells (Immortality scheme)
http://d4oTt6Os.end - Explore the Future
http://cyBdZiI0.end - Okay, I´ve got Quantum PC, what to do now? (Marianas Web entry tutorial)
http://3YV8xEz1.end - Inside 3301
http://J8bzfLIw.end - Fear the Future
http://2f7clx4c.end - Join the ANTI-New World Order group
http://we3u88yv.end - "/http://we3u88yv.end "? - "Even Darker Web" Gateway (Information Unimaginable)
http://63zpe0c6.end - Tesla energy repeater (Free energy)
http://yzon2v0y.end - Enter 4th dimension
http://852wjnnx.end - Hello Kitty real origin
http://ddxoi8fi.end - 73 Domegemegrotte-byte ZIP-bom

Bu dediğim networkleri kullanarak görebilirsiniz. Unutmayın her işletim sisteminde çalışmaz
Unutmayın görülmedik sistem yoktur .lll ve .rdos uda paylaşmak isterdim ama bu benim güvenliğin açısından kotu olur lütfen alıntı yapmayın bu konu tht aliesine armağan olsun

Not: linkler alıntıdır ama sağlam
Not: ne olur kaldırmayın ülkemiz bilgilensin qunatum pc yok süper internet gerek Yok bunlara linkler ve giriş yolları belki de size bunu paylaştığım için basım belaya girecek ama siz buna değersiniz
Not::.... grafik linkleri kaldırılarak yeniden yüklenmiştir
dostum hayat mısın bıse sormam gerek


Yeni üye
22 Kas 2022
şimdi bende 1000 mbps internet var indirme ve yükleme hızım 1000 bir sürü kod yazmışsınız anlamadım vpn açıp linkemi gireceğim hocam 18 yaşındayım psikolojim bozulmaz sadece merak ediyorum nasıl birşey diye yardımcı olabilirmisiniz ?nasıl girerim


4 Ara 2022
Deepweb bilinmeyenler uzantılar hk. Bilgilendirme

Bu konumda sizlere darknet giriş konumuzu anlatacagim. Herkezin o mehsur quantum pc ve router yalanını unutun ihtiyacınız olan şeyler ;

Not : Sadece eğitim amaçlı bir konudur olağanlarlaysan ne ben nede türk hack team sorumludur.

hack ### - sadece ChaosVPN ve tor stok5 ayarı
vpnhub1.hack/chaosvpn.png - only from inside ChaosVPN; updated once per hour
vpnhub1.hack/chaosvpn.nodes.html - simple display of nodes uptime
irc.hackint.hack - OpenVPNs irc chat (speak to other hackers)

taur ### - Taur-node (darkfantasy netork & Taurus)
http://roleaqyvoptycosot.taur - Mental Manipulation
http://sqavpds3dvt9ofapv.taur - WKLR0.99 (Page to download Software)
http://8aroyra1rreuywpyz.taur - Exit Matrix on Humanity
http://dhmelalk3nrporito.taur - Gates to the dark system (systems to access different sites of the "Deep Web" if we still can call it so...)
http://fgevbi6are9bbluia.taur - Unix Paradise & Unix History
http://r4agfi4lebareoquy.taur - Illegal darkcode (The most powerfull botnets ever created)
http://cbhnse8klemceraqq.taur - Guliana City ******** (Shows you the ******** of a hidden city where very few people live)

################################################## ################################################## ############################################
### .nept ### - Nept-node (darkfantasy network & Neptilla Network)
http://girogahary5arofeideidegivoly.nept - Dark Babylon City (Hidden Marketplace)
http://vaerviraleminokorezdumpbile7.nept - BbTINA (Unknown)
http://bareyaelece4arakakorskyu3eda.nept - Triangle of Bermudes
http://faremquaerladeppoyelcevingab.nept - Ragnarok Index Place (Restricted Zone)
http://projectyvereze7keralmoniakci.nept - Main Hallwitchz Germany (German Hacktivist Group)
http://ekkhgiskagfrawahulatriaottyx.nept - Inside Area51
http://uohibsuolphft7hggrjs7fdmfngj.nept - "Illegal" Music
http://fareidkeuwqocelmkjftistykasz.nept - Xibozavvy Raw Pitozz (Unknown Site)
http://cjem9kkkkkafe02experimentdce.nept - Cyber Extortion Investigation
http://ezn1gldcxdsenvekuygerilomash.nept - New Worlds Order
http://5treonolopiopsygnikovylnarop.nept - Highly Dangerous Bombs
http://kisel17garenbzajreljeferoilh.nept - Destroy the whole planet in a few minutes
http://hr3arwptprotectyrprivaxbevvt.nept - How to inject evil code on any website
http://qorlynp9cvbenmygelhoterkbolk.nept - Xinuv13 Old Archive's

################################################## ################################################## ############################################
### .life ### - (darkfantasy network & Life Network)
http://wofedaoralckedodareo82laslngl...xavoryurp.life - How the universe was created
http://idutyrielnxopetirkeoapri1ozab...ialeraseo.life - Get free and get to know all the secrets
http://jdpeduntren4ftek1rolegofargyb...ntrolifor.life - Power is yours (Site where a long code needs to be decrypted to access, 1KM code encryption)

################################################## ################################################## ############################################
### .elen ### - Elen-node (darkfantasy network) (DaFy loved a girl named Elen, Elen then broke his heart. He named a domain after Elen so he could rememorate the days he had with her.)
RaZxVBBaseRiaor.elen - Fly Fly Butterfly (Site where a Naked Girl is and there are butterlies arround, it's a encrypted message)
GcbDfoE9ACerey4.elen - List of dafy, clos, exit, project, nept, onion, etc... link beauty life to live (Unknown)
UaWeFcccXwq0qvc.elen - WARNING, TOXIC SITE (Unknown)

################################################## ################################################## ############################################
### .dafy ### - Dafy-node (darkfantasy network) (Connected in FreeNet since 2012) (Dafy created .dafy in FreeNet in the year 2012, for his intelligence to be dumped somewhere and so he could sell software etc. And let the appropriate people see it)
G94dkElc.dafy - Conspiration Forum
HcEmc37a.dafy - Follow The White Rabbit
XzSeRr4j.dafy - Evidence with contact with arficiial intelligence
AwR5tFVB.dafy - Paralel Universe
Yu7BVaxj.dafy - Picture Of Your House ("When you enter this page, there is a picture of your house")
ZAdLR32n.dafy - Contract a corrupt Cop in America
Fwjlaoer.dafy - Contact With Lost Girl (Spiritual Stuff)
77777777.dafy - Talk with a blessed power and get blessed
oPeSDark.dafy - ###
K0xAraeY.dafy - Destroy database of webserver online (Get information of a database)
Hr5xzgfe.dafy - Contract Highly Professional ELite Hackers (They can do basically everything & help you to enter "The Primarch System")
S7fVeSeJ.dafy - Atlantic Source Project (A place were everything can be found)
GhvDeRad.dafy - Dead Forest In Japan
CBHErA79.dafy - Classified Information
6GRyE488.dafy - The Forbidden Party (Here, they sell every type of drugs)
QtErZeA2.dafy - Go Home FBI, we don't need your bullshit anymore (INVITE ONLY)
2OGD0Ezx.dafy - Your mind has no limits, the time yes (Blanc website, one of the most dangerous, much information)
GoNdEfmX.dafy - Welcome to the real matrix (Almost impossible to access here)
T7ae9SeA.dafy - Deal with persons that have a big power
VbS0rKxc.dafy - Knownledge Is Yours
KsDmUxz5.dafy - Dangerous Music That could harm your brain temporaly
7WeRedEj.dafy - Person Exposed Pay A Ammount of Leafcoin & Peercoin to expose someone
3G0BYrAr.dafy - Goodbye Raresoftware (Site that unmask all types of cyber scams)
Y6xVbJJK.dafy - Agent Of Death (Contract Assasins)
CrEdEdlv.dafy - Chat With Darkfantasy Online
5ie7ErPr.dafy - Prometeus Chat
RoLiN3dw.dafy - Information about the future of our planet telius
TtRc8KKK.dafy - Ingredient Of The Coca Cola
RuFuTTTY.dafy - How to travel in the future
WkkuOOnw.dafy - Wake Up & Live the "real life" Matrix
HjKiUal4.dafy - The Trap Of "Anonymous" and their real origin
T6sOEser.dafy - Dark Joker Place
IVVyAe91.dafy - Hello To Myself
PPqERa7q.dafy - Enjoy the spectacle
hGmaTer5.dafy - Dark Mathematicer (Hacking Forum)

################################################## ################################################## ############################################
### .loky ### - Ubuntu, ChaosVPN and polaris (possibly closed)
lm7z8x6s.loky - wiki & site list
8OD1uSrP.loky - Japanese history [Open]
RFzEarcM.loky - Unknown [closed or moved]
CXX8tAp5.loky - Unknown [closed or moved]
Q3hh3ras.loky - Links (Layer 3) [Open]
7hQW6EQs.loky - Stolen Email Accounts (Part-1) [Open]
75nHF42v.loky - Stolen Email Accounts (Part-2) [Open]
Z8R2Myvz.loky - Hackers in prison[404]
USAi0wph.loky - Discussion about time travel (with the mind) [closed or moved]
NR5ZMajL.loky - The secrets of the links .clos [Open]
XAGxthAB.loky - Photos of the edge of the universe (Interesting) [Open]
6nXDwKW2.loky - Dimensional travel [Open]
45jAEnn1.loky - Radio Control Manual [Open]
8fitM3fk.loky - Knowing my IP [Open]
W3ns0q4v.loky - PHP Multiple Error Page [Open]
Eah1mr61.loky - Age of Earth [Open]
Sx1zzzzz.loky - Relax song (Blues) [Open]
GGGGGGGG.loky - The G Site [Open]
Uen5c84x.loky - Nevada Military Zone Plans (Area 51) [Open]
B3hqj56x.loky - Black Market Fruit (WTF?) [Open]
P0nkk91N.loky - Arming a Whirlpool Refrigerator [404]
IZr8fMca.loky - Stolen Cell Phones [Open]
VXa2O9bN.loky - All anonymous transactions/Operations (2011-2014) [Open]
9Jfz4hrE.loky - See yourself on your webcam [Open]
SMKTKJVa.loky - Human Experiments [Closed]
Y7mujomP.loky - Experimental and Unstable Hardware [Closed]
8OD1uSrP.loky - Torture a human being online [unkown]
EBZ9tOvU.loky - Music with subliminal messages [open]

################################################## ################################################## ############################################
### .clos ### - Freenet, ChaosVPN, Ubuntu (ip9?) (clossys?) (Closed Shell System)
http://g5h6j8t66t4jhbn9iksh6.clos/ - HUMAN TRAFFICKING & organs
http://duanjfheyu5clq9ia7yt6.clos/ - CLASSIFIED INFORMATION (darkestdepth? clossys4.3.3?)
http://jquydhr7nqb59j16jh6d0.clos/ - Erlast Project
http://duehgje76nd543dk0987h.clos/ - Project Dark Warrior
http://lqkcindg61o95g67a54f3.clos/ - Baphomet and Habierto Ccult
http://ajtqnc65ldo91jh7dgq62.clos/ - Crystalline power metrics
http://kcjend84dli8y6qt178gq.clos/ - Broder engine plans
http://pqociudthqi856dn72ksu.clos/ - Death coil Tesla
http://doqj64ndhsjkeipa9187z.clos/ - Discussion about God and Baphomet & Act 13 (the 13 biggest Illuminati families and their contribution)
http://pw.k45s9vcx03f5eq2vsa2v5.clos/ - The 5th dimension and ascension
http://audjendjgksl76dns387c.clos/ - THE DEVELOPMENT OF AIDS IN A LAB
http://vqbnut45cvbahgp528bz2.clos/ - PROPHECY HIDDEN BY RELIGIONS
http://twhsdiuy5cvbzushjsdf4.clos/ - niyiu the sky turns red
http://vqbnut45cvbahgp528bz2.clos/ - THE invension OF RELIGIONS FOR HUMAN CONTROL
http://iaudychq87dhy6tdgt4h7.clos/ - SEND A MESSAGE, Haras PACT WITH THE DEVIL
http://euejhyatgqozip2d8ej21.clos/ - world government bloodline
http://hqjieu6dh616k9lmp5dt7.clos/ - LEADERS Illuminati, ITS CREATOR DECENDENSIA (BLOOD LINE)
http://mlqkcjdhgeud6hdy78jsh.clos/ - ******** of atlantis
http://ydbcnqhopqmeltucyeik3.clos/ - Snuff Videos, Choose the victim online
http://2vvdda9o0g0uulm3f75dq750q.clos - clintonemails

trico ### - Polaris, ChaosVPN, Freenet
http://7dhmelalk3hlrxdorix79.trico - Gates to the Dark System [reopened]
http://7x8jteifdoxd9y3nizezy.trico - Vacuum cooling

################################################## ################################################## ############################################
### .desa ### - ChaosVPN, Ubuntu, Freenet
http://ztwtfly2atmlot2bj.desa - Biohazard
http://32ikuen545dwx33ue.desa - Unlock any Bitcoin wallet in one second

################################################## ################################################## ############################################
### .quit ### - ChaosVPN, Ubuntu, Freenet
http://v7m70g2p4hgfdm4r7ylndznteunf.quit - Cerebral Software
http://u1kq9xqvhigs7bydslan9sgfqt6w.quit - Reincarnation
http://zd27r48gjv7xixv88nmvcntfgpe0.quit - IPv9 configuration
http://tizn3rlo7vxoa8v5hcpku6zgd1j3.quit - Travel with your mind

################################################## ################################################## ############################################
### .deny ### - ChaosVPN, Ubuntu, Freenet
wfauzbhv.deny - Mayan Calendar decoded cipher
ezfhqfxu.deny - Human Superpowers
qyfcuvgv.deny - Who Am I? (Site shows complete information about you)
nqmhrfqd.deny - The real X-Files archives
tkdijiht.deny - Brain transplant
jxkbqeil.deny - AI in a box
uwjocezd.deny - Wow signal source

################################################## ################################################## ############################################
### .end ### - ChaosVPN, Ubuntu, Freenet
http://Cjeb9Uik.end - Qubits teleporting
http://7eJwrUbB.end - Kill the blue cells (Immortality scheme)
http://d4oTt6Os.end - Explore the Future
http://cyBdZiI0.end - Okay, I´ve got Quantum PC, what to do now? (Marianas Web entry tutorial)
http://3YV8xEz1.end - Inside 3301
http://J8bzfLIw.end - Fear the Future
http://2f7clx4c.end - Join the ANTI-New World Order group
http://we3u88yv.end - "/http://we3u88yv.end "? - "Even Darker Web" Gateway (Information Unimaginable)
http://63zpe0c6.end - Tesla energy repeater (Free energy)
http://yzon2v0y.end - Enter 4th dimension
http://852wjnnx.end - Hello Kitty real origin
http://ddxoi8fi.end - 73 Domegemegrotte-byte ZIP-bom

Bu dediğim networkleri kullanarak görebilirsiniz. Unutmayın her işletim sisteminde çalışmaz
Unutmayın görülmedik sistem yoktur .lll ve .rdos uda paylaşmak isterdim ama bu benim güvenliğin açısından kotu olur lütfen alıntı yapmayın bu konu tht aliesine armağan olsun

Not: linkler alıntıdır ama sağlam
Not: ne olur kaldırmayın ülkemiz bilgilensin qunatum pc yok süper internet gerek Yok bunlara linkler ve giriş yolları belki de size bunu paylaştığım için basım belaya girecek ama siz buna değersiniz
Not::.... grafik linkleri kaldırılarak yeniden yüklenmiştir
Bence gerek yok bunları paylaşmaya neden kötü olan birşeyi paylaşasın ki?
Bilsek nolur bilmesek nolur bence bilmesekde bişey olmaz.


22 Ara 2022
Deepweb bilinmeyenler uzantılar hk. Bilgilendirme

Bu konumda sizlere darknet giriş konumuzu anlatacagim. Herkezin o mehsur quantum pc ve router yalanını unutun ihtiyacınız olan şeyler ;

Not : Sadece eğitim amaçlı bir konudur olağanlarlaysan ne ben nede türk hack team sorumludur.

hack ### - sadece ChaosVPN ve tor stok5 ayarı
vpnhub1.hack/chaosvpn.png - only from inside ChaosVPN; updated once per hour
vpnhub1.hack/chaosvpn.nodes.html - simple display of nodes uptime
irc.hackint.hack - OpenVPNs irc chat (speak to other hackers)

taur ### - Taur-node (darkfantasy netork & Taurus)
http://roleaqyvoptycosot.taur - Mental Manipulation
http://sqavpds3dvt9ofapv.taur - WKLR0.99 (Page to download Software)
http://8aroyra1rreuywpyz.taur - Exit Matrix on Humanity
http://dhmelalk3nrporito.taur - Gates to the dark system (systems to access different sites of the "Deep Web" if we still can call it so...)
http://fgevbi6are9bbluia.taur - Unix Paradise & Unix History
http://r4agfi4lebareoquy.taur - Illegal darkcode (The most powerfull botnets ever created)
http://cbhnse8klemceraqq.taur - Guliana City ******** (Shows you the ******** of a hidden city where very few people live)

################################################## ################################################## ############################################
### .nept ### - Nept-node (darkfantasy network & Neptilla Network)
http://girogahary5arofeideidegivoly.nept - Dark Babylon City (Hidden Marketplace)
http://vaerviraleminokorezdumpbile7.nept - BbTINA (Unknown)
http://bareyaelece4arakakorskyu3eda.nept - Triangle of Bermudes
http://faremquaerladeppoyelcevingab.nept - Ragnarok Index Place (Restricted Zone)
http://projectyvereze7keralmoniakci.nept - Main Hallwitchz Germany (German Hacktivist Group)
http://ekkhgiskagfrawahulatriaottyx.nept - Inside Area51
http://uohibsuolphft7hggrjs7fdmfngj.nept - "Illegal" Music
http://fareidkeuwqocelmkjftistykasz.nept - Xibozavvy Raw Pitozz (Unknown Site)
http://cjem9kkkkkafe02experimentdce.nept - Cyber Extortion Investigation
http://ezn1gldcxdsenvekuygerilomash.nept - New Worlds Order
http://5treonolopiopsygnikovylnarop.nept - Highly Dangerous Bombs
http://kisel17garenbzajreljeferoilh.nept - Destroy the whole planet in a few minutes
http://hr3arwptprotectyrprivaxbevvt.nept - How to inject evil code on any website
http://qorlynp9cvbenmygelhoterkbolk.nept - Xinuv13 Old Archive's

################################################## ################################################## ############################################
### .life ### - (darkfantasy network & Life Network)
http://wofedaoralckedodareo82laslngl...xavoryurp.life - How the universe was created
http://idutyrielnxopetirkeoapri1ozab...ialeraseo.life - Get free and get to know all the secrets
http://jdpeduntren4ftek1rolegofargyb...ntrolifor.life - Power is yours (Site where a long code needs to be decrypted to access, 1KM code encryption)

################################################## ################################################## ############################################
### .elen ### - Elen-node (darkfantasy network) (DaFy loved a girl named Elen, Elen then broke his heart. He named a domain after Elen so he could rememorate the days he had with her.)
RaZxVBBaseRiaor.elen - Fly Fly Butterfly (Site where a Naked Girl is and there are butterlies arround, it's a encrypted message)
GcbDfoE9ACerey4.elen - List of dafy, clos, exit, project, nept, onion, etc... link beauty life to live (Unknown)
UaWeFcccXwq0qvc.elen - WARNING, TOXIC SITE (Unknown)

################################################## ################################################## ############################################
### .dafy ### - Dafy-node (darkfantasy network) (Connected in FreeNet since 2012) (Dafy created .dafy in FreeNet in the year 2012, for his intelligence to be dumped somewhere and so he could sell software etc. And let the appropriate people see it)
G94dkElc.dafy - Conspiration Forum
HcEmc37a.dafy - Follow The White Rabbit
XzSeRr4j.dafy - Evidence with contact with arficiial intelligence
AwR5tFVB.dafy - Paralel Universe
Yu7BVaxj.dafy - Picture Of Your House ("When you enter this page, there is a picture of your house")
ZAdLR32n.dafy - Contract a corrupt Cop in America
Fwjlaoer.dafy - Contact With Lost Girl (Spiritual Stuff)
77777777.dafy - Talk with a blessed power and get blessed
oPeSDark.dafy - ###
K0xAraeY.dafy - Destroy database of webserver online (Get information of a database)
Hr5xzgfe.dafy - Contract Highly Professional ELite Hackers (They can do basically everything & help you to enter "The Primarch System")
S7fVeSeJ.dafy - Atlantic Source Project (A place were everything can be found)
GhvDeRad.dafy - Dead Forest In Japan
CBHErA79.dafy - Classified Information
6GRyE488.dafy - The Forbidden Party (Here, they sell every type of drugs)
QtErZeA2.dafy - Go Home FBI, we don't need your bullshit anymore (INVITE ONLY)
2OGD0Ezx.dafy - Your mind has no limits, the time yes (Blanc website, one of the most dangerous, much information)
GoNdEfmX.dafy - Welcome to the real matrix (Almost impossible to access here)
T7ae9SeA.dafy - Deal with persons that have a big power
VbS0rKxc.dafy - Knownledge Is Yours
KsDmUxz5.dafy - Dangerous Music That could harm your brain temporaly
7WeRedEj.dafy - Person Exposed Pay A Ammount of Leafcoin & Peercoin to expose someone
3G0BYrAr.dafy - Goodbye Raresoftware (Site that unmask all types of cyber scams)
Y6xVbJJK.dafy - Agent Of Death (Contract Assasins)
CrEdEdlv.dafy - Chat With Darkfantasy Online
5ie7ErPr.dafy - Prometeus Chat
RoLiN3dw.dafy - Information about the future of our planet telius
TtRc8KKK.dafy - Ingredient Of The Coca Cola
RuFuTTTY.dafy - How to travel in the future
WkkuOOnw.dafy - Wake Up & Live the "real life" Matrix
HjKiUal4.dafy - The Trap Of "Anonymous" and their real origin
T6sOEser.dafy - Dark Joker Place
IVVyAe91.dafy - Hello To Myself
PPqERa7q.dafy - Enjoy the spectacle
hGmaTer5.dafy - Dark Mathematicer (Hacking Forum)

################################################## ################################################## ############################################
### .loky ### - Ubuntu, ChaosVPN and polaris (possibly closed)
lm7z8x6s.loky - wiki & site list
8OD1uSrP.loky - Japanese history [Open]
RFzEarcM.loky - Unknown [closed or moved]
CXX8tAp5.loky - Unknown [closed or moved]
Q3hh3ras.loky - Links (Layer 3) [Open]
7hQW6EQs.loky - Stolen Email Accounts (Part-1) [Open]
75nHF42v.loky - Stolen Email Accounts (Part-2) [Open]
Z8R2Myvz.loky - Hackers in prison[404]
USAi0wph.loky - Discussion about time travel (with the mind) [closed or moved]
NR5ZMajL.loky - The secrets of the links .clos [Open]
XAGxthAB.loky - Photos of the edge of the universe (Interesting) [Open]
6nXDwKW2.loky - Dimensional travel [Open]
45jAEnn1.loky - Radio Control Manual [Open]
8fitM3fk.loky - Knowing my IP [Open]
W3ns0q4v.loky - PHP Multiple Error Page [Open]
Eah1mr61.loky - Age of Earth [Open]
Sx1zzzzz.loky - Relax song (Blues) [Open]
GGGGGGGG.loky - The G Site [Open]
Uen5c84x.loky - Nevada Military Zone Plans (Area 51) [Open]
B3hqj56x.loky - Black Market Fruit (WTF?) [Open]
P0nkk91N.loky - Arming a Whirlpool Refrigerator [404]
IZr8fMca.loky - Stolen Cell Phones [Open]
VXa2O9bN.loky - All anonymous transactions/Operations (2011-2014) [Open]
9Jfz4hrE.loky - See yourself on your webcam [Open]
SMKTKJVa.loky - Human Experiments [Closed]
Y7mujomP.loky - Experimental and Unstable Hardware [Closed]
8OD1uSrP.loky - Torture a human being online [unkown]
EBZ9tOvU.loky - Music with subliminal messages [open]

################################################## ################################################## ############################################
### .clos ### - Freenet, ChaosVPN, Ubuntu (ip9?) (clossys?) (Closed Shell System)
http://g5h6j8t66t4jhbn9iksh6.clos/ - HUMAN TRAFFICKING & organs
http://duanjfheyu5clq9ia7yt6.clos/ - CLASSIFIED INFORMATION (darkestdepth? clossys4.3.3?)
http://jquydhr7nqb59j16jh6d0.clos/ - Erlast Project
http://duehgje76nd543dk0987h.clos/ - Project Dark Warrior
http://lqkcindg61o95g67a54f3.clos/ - Baphomet and Habierto Ccult
http://ajtqnc65ldo91jh7dgq62.clos/ - Crystalline power metrics
http://kcjend84dli8y6qt178gq.clos/ - Broder engine plans
http://pqociudthqi856dn72ksu.clos/ - Death coil Tesla
http://doqj64ndhsjkeipa9187z.clos/ - Discussion about God and Baphomet & Act 13 (the 13 biggest Illuminati families and their contribution)
http://pw.k45s9vcx03f5eq2vsa2v5.clos/ - The 5th dimension and ascension
http://audjendjgksl76dns387c.clos/ - THE DEVELOPMENT OF AIDS IN A LAB
http://vqbnut45cvbahgp528bz2.clos/ - PROPHECY HIDDEN BY RELIGIONS
http://twhsdiuy5cvbzushjsdf4.clos/ - niyiu the sky turns red
http://vqbnut45cvbahgp528bz2.clos/ - THE invension OF RELIGIONS FOR HUMAN CONTROL
http://iaudychq87dhy6tdgt4h7.clos/ - SEND A MESSAGE, Haras PACT WITH THE DEVIL
http://euejhyatgqozip2d8ej21.clos/ - world government bloodline
http://hqjieu6dh616k9lmp5dt7.clos/ - LEADERS Illuminati, ITS CREATOR DECENDENSIA (BLOOD LINE)
http://mlqkcjdhgeud6hdy78jsh.clos/ - ******** of atlantis
http://ydbcnqhopqmeltucyeik3.clos/ - Snuff Videos, Choose the victim online
http://2vvdda9o0g0uulm3f75dq750q.clos - clintonemails

trico ### - Polaris, ChaosVPN, Freenet
http://7dhmelalk3hlrxdorix79.trico - Gates to the Dark System [reopened]
http://7x8jteifdoxd9y3nizezy.trico - Vacuum cooling

################################################## ################################################## ############################################
### .desa ### - ChaosVPN, Ubuntu, Freenet
http://ztwtfly2atmlot2bj.desa - Biohazard
http://32ikuen545dwx33ue.desa - Unlock any Bitcoin wallet in one second

################################################## ################################################## ############################################
### .quit ### - ChaosVPN, Ubuntu, Freenet
http://v7m70g2p4hgfdm4r7ylndznteunf.quit - Cerebral Software
http://u1kq9xqvhigs7bydslan9sgfqt6w.quit - Reincarnation
http://zd27r48gjv7xixv88nmvcntfgpe0.quit - IPv9 configuration
http://tizn3rlo7vxoa8v5hcpku6zgd1j3.quit - Travel with your mind

################################################## ################################################## ############################################
### .deny ### - ChaosVPN, Ubuntu, Freenet
wfauzbhv.deny - Mayan Calendar decoded cipher
ezfhqfxu.deny - Human Superpowers
qyfcuvgv.deny - Who Am I? (Site shows complete information about you)
nqmhrfqd.deny - The real X-Files archives
tkdijiht.deny - Brain transplant
jxkbqeil.deny - AI in a box
uwjocezd.deny - Wow signal source

################################################## ################################################## ############################################
### .end ### - ChaosVPN, Ubuntu, Freenet
http://Cjeb9Uik.end - Qubits teleporting
http://7eJwrUbB.end - Kill the blue cells (Immortality scheme)
http://d4oTt6Os.end - Explore the Future
http://cyBdZiI0.end - Okay, I´ve got Quantum PC, what to do now? (Marianas Web entry tutorial)
http://3YV8xEz1.end - Inside 3301
http://J8bzfLIw.end - Fear the Future
http://2f7clx4c.end - Join the ANTI-New World Order group
http://we3u88yv.end - "/http://we3u88yv.end "? - "Even Darker Web" Gateway (Information Unimaginable)
http://63zpe0c6.end - Tesla energy repeater (Free energy)
http://yzon2v0y.end - Enter 4th dimension
http://852wjnnx.end - Hello Kitty real origin
http://ddxoi8fi.end - 73 Domegemegrotte-byte ZIP-bom

Bu dediğim networkleri kullanarak görebilirsiniz. Unutmayın her işletim sisteminde çalışmaz
Unutmayın görülmedik sistem yoktur .lll ve .rdos uda paylaşmak isterdim ama bu benim güvenliğin açısından kotu olur lütfen alıntı yapmayın bu konu tht aliesine armağan olsun

Not: linkler alıntıdır ama sağlam
Not: ne olur kaldırmayın ülkemiz bilgilensin qunatum pc yok süper internet gerek Yok bunlara linkler ve giriş yolları belki de size bunu paylaştığım için basım belaya girecek ama siz buna değersiniz
Not::.... grafik linkleri kaldırılarak yeniden yüklenmiştir
Yararlı teşekkürler

Turkhackteam.org internet sitesi 5651 sayılı kanun’un 2. maddesinin 1. fıkrasının m) bendi ile aynı kanunun 5. maddesi kapsamında "Yer Sağlayıcı" konumundadır. İçerikler ön onay olmaksızın tamamen kullanıcılar tarafından oluşturulmaktadır. Turkhackteam.org; Yer sağlayıcı olarak, kullanıcılar tarafından oluşturulan içeriği ya da hukuka aykırı paylaşımı kontrol etmekle ya da araştırmakla yükümlü değildir. Türkhackteam saldırı timleri Türk sitelerine hiçbir zararlı faaliyette bulunmaz. Türkhackteam üyelerinin yaptığı bireysel hack faaliyetlerinden Türkhackteam sorumlu değildir. Sitelerinize Türkhackteam ismi kullanılarak hack faaliyetinde bulunulursa, site-sunucu erişim loglarından bu faaliyeti gerçekleştiren ip adresini tespit edip diğer kanıtlarla birlikte savcılığa suç duyurusunda bulununuz.