What You Need to Know About 2FA (2-Factor Authentication)


Uzman üye
9 Tem 2013
What is 2FA?
What Are the Types of 2FA?

Why is there a Need for Two-Factor Identification?
What is the Importance of 2FA in the Digital World?


With the use of the internet every day, cyber crimes are also increasing. Businesses can enhance security by adding an extra level of protection to their user accounts in the form of two-factor authentication, often referred to as 2FA. In our article, we will include details of issues such as 2fa verification and account security.


What is 2FA?
When we say what 2FA is, it's an extra layer of security used to make sure that people trying to access an online account are who they say they are. First, a user will enter their username and password. Then, instead of providing immediate access, they will be asked to provide another piece of information.

Factor authentication can come from one of the following categories:

It can be a personal identification number (PIN), a password, answers to "secret questions," or a specific keystroke pattern.
It may physically include a biometric pattern of a fingerprint, an iris scan, or an audible print.


With 2-factor authentication, the fact that only one of these factors, namely the user password or 2FA information, is known, does not unlock the account. So, even if your password is stolen or your phone is lost, the chances of your second-factor information falling into someone else's hands are pretty low. If a consumer uses 2FA correctly, websites and apps can be more confident of the user's identity and unlock the account.

What Are the Types of 2FA?
If it only requires a password to access a site you're using and doesn't offer 2FA, there's a good chance you'll eventually be hacked. Several types of 2-factor authentication are used today.

Hardware tokens for 2FA:

Hardware tokens, the oldest form of 2FA, are small, like a keychain, and generate a new numeric code every 30 seconds. When a user tries to access an account, they look at the device and the displayed 2FA code enters the site or app again. This provided hardware automatically transfers the 2FA code when plugged into a computer's USB port. However, this method has several drawbacks. Distributing this hardware for businesses is costly. Extra physical security arises for these equipment.


SMS text message and voice-based 2FA:

SMS-based 2FA interacts directly with a user's phone. After receiving a username and password, the site sends a unique one-time password (OTP) to the user via text message. Like the hardware token process, a user must re-enter the OTP, or one-time password, into the app before gaining access. Similarly, voice-based 2-factor authentication automatically calls a user and transmits the 2FA code verbally.

For a low-risk online activity, all you need is text or voice authentication. But for websites that store your personal information, such as utility companies, banks, or email accounts, this level of 2FA may not be secure enough. In fact, SMS is considered the least secure way to authenticate users. For this reason, many companies are upgrading their security by going beyond SMS-based 2FA.

Software tokens for 2FA:

The most popular form of two-factor authentication (a preferred alternative to SMS and voice-based 2FA) uses a software-generated time-based, one-time password.

The use of software tokens is as follows;

First, a user needs to download and install a free 2FA app on their smartphone or desktop.
It is necessary to pre-pair the application with any site that supports this type of authentication.
Free apps for 2FA are available from Microsoft and Google. When logging in, the user first enters a username and password, and then enters the code shown in the app when prompted.
Like hardware tokens, a software token is usually valid for less than a minute.


Because the code is generated and displayed on the same device, software tokens eliminate the possibility of hacker intervention. There is a great risk against hackers in SMS or voice delivery methods. Because app-based 2FA solutions for mobile, wearable, or desktop platforms are available and even work offline, user authentication is now possible almost anywhere.


Push notification for 2FA:

Instead of relying on the receipt and entry of a 2FA token, websites and apps can now send a push notification to the user that an authentication attempt has occurred. The device owner simply reviews the details and can approve or deny access with a single tap. It is a passwordless authentication that requires no code to enter and no additional interaction.

Advantages of instant notification;

Push notification ensures a direct and secure connection is established between the retailer, the 2FA service and the device.
It eliminates phishing, man in the middle, or unauthorized access opportunities.
It only works with a device that is connected to the internet, capable of installing applications.
Push notifications provide a more user-friendly, easier and more secure form of security.


Why is there a Need for Two-Factor Identification?
After answering the question of what is two-factor authentication or what is 2FA, it is necessary to explain why it is important to do everything you can to improve our online account security. With so much of our lives happening on mobile devices and laptops, it's inevitable that our digital accounts will become so important to criminals.

In recent years, there has been a huge increase in the number of websites that lose the personal data of their users. With a cyber attack, individuals, organizations, global companies, small businesses, start-ups and even non-profit organizations that lose their information in any environment to the attacker can suffer serious financial and reputational losses. For consumers, too, the consequences of identity theft can be devastating.

As we mentioned above, online sites, social media applications should offer tighter security in order to avoid negative consequences. Two-factor authentication is very important at this point.


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