How to Recover Lost Data?


Uzman üye
9 Tem 2013
You can use the data you have in computers, tablets, mobile phones, portable memory cards as you wish. Although the loss of such data depends on many reasons, we can say that the most common situations are electrical current fluctuations, viruses and external interventions.

For example, if the mobile phone or tablet falls to the ground, the computer, laptop or notebook products you use are overloaded, that is, the use of cpu is excessive, it may be deteriorating due to electrical surges. In these cases, the data storage areas inside the devices may be corrupted, and you will not be able to access the data if you cannot open the device.


Data Loss Due to Hardware Failures
In case of hardware failures in your devices, your device will not work at full capacity, and you will also have trouble accessing your data. If there is no hard disk failure that makes data memory, you can recover the data with interventions to be made to other hardware. You can even insert the hard disk products into a different device and get the data inside. But since our problem is hard disk data recovery, it will be to know what to do in case of failure and data loss.

First of all, although it is possible to recover data with different methods, it will not be possible to recover data with the devices in your hand in case of severe losses. Because as this is a technical issue, you cannot see or test the failures that occur on the hardware with your eyes.

In case of failure of the integrated circuit on the hard disk, it will be possible to detect this in the laboratory environment. As such, it is not possible to detect this in the office or home environment. These situations need to be done is to work with data recovery centers.


How Do Data Recovery Centers Work?
In modern informatics laboratories, such centers, which perform data recovery with the work done with high technological equipment, have high success rates because they come to the forefront with the techniques they use. With its well-equipped working team, which is expert in this field, it recovers data in a short time and safely. They don't just recover data losses caused by hardware or various factors. They also recover data that you delete intentionally or accidentally.

Even in hard disk data recovery situations, deleting a data normally and then adding new data to the hard disk causes the deleted data to be much more difficult to get rid of. Since this situation is often encountered in companies, operating on hard drives with data written on them requires a professional touch. Data recovery is not done with various programs, but you can access the data again by writing renewed codes for each device and collecting the remaining code crumbs in the data storage center of the device.


How Much of Deleted Data Is Recovered?
Today, data recovery operations are frequently performed on devices and systems such as hard disk data recovery, server data recovery, raid data recovery, ssd solid state data recovery, nas data recovery, ata data recovery, usb flash memory data recovery and cryptolocker file recovery. Since such systems are used for different purposes, what is important here is the type of data that is lost or deleted. As 100% data recovery is done, we can also say that there will be great losses. For example, losses in camera recordings or photographs may be greater.

However, documents can be recovered more easily. In addition, the fact that the data to be recovered, ie the file type, is a frequently used type, increases the recovery rate. Therefore, visual materials generally consist of the same type and have a high success rate in recovery.


Those who are in search of a data recovery center are also important in the services they will receive. In addition to the fast and safe recovery of data, it is very important that you are anywhere in Turkey, send hard disk or similar materials safely by cargo, ensure the recovery of data and overcome your problems accordingly. Privacy is one of the most important issues for data recovery. It will definitely be better if you prefer companies that are experts in this business and have certificates.


Data Cannot Always Be Recovered Unfortunately
The loss of data can be caused by many developments such as aging of mechanical components, physical impact on the user's mobile phone or hard disk, encryption of data by hackers, natural disasters such as fire, flood, etc. Lidyum IT General Manager Barbaros Akkoyunlu; He states that they first ask the people and institutions applying for data recovery to fill out a form, through which they obtain information about how the data has been lost and on which data they will attempt to recover. In addition, with this information, it has become easier to determine the data recovery technique, Akkoyunlu said, adding that the right methods should be used at the point of data recovery.

It is not always possible to recover data lost in various ways. For this reason, data owners are advised to host multiple backups in different locations. The backup process can be carried out in accordance with the request of the data owner, by transferring the data to the backup disk or by backing up to the computer and mobile phone remotely with the cloud system.


Users should not interfere with the device when data loss occurs
It is also possible to encounter negative consequences during the recovery of data. When you drop your mobile into the water, the data cannot be recovered if the chip on which the RAM is saved is broken. In some cases, if the level of the hard disk is seriously scratched and tilted, the recovery process results in a negative result. In cases where other data is written on the hard disk and memory card, the data cannot be recovered if the backup is not taken. The first thing to do when faced with data loss is to protect the current state of the device. If users do not intervene on the device, the likelihood of data recovery is much higher.



Uzman üye
31 Mar 2022
You can use the data you have in computers, tablets, mobile phones, portable memory cards as you wish. Although the loss of such data depends on many reasons, we can say that the most common situations are electrical current fluctuations, viruses and external interventions.

For example, if the mobile phone or tablet falls to the ground, the computer, laptop or notebook products you use are overloaded, that is, the use of cpu is excessive, it may be deteriorating due to electrical surges. In these cases, the data storage areas inside the devices may be corrupted, and you will not be able to access the data if you cannot open the device.


Data Loss Due to Hardware Failures
In case of hardware failures in your devices, your device will not work at full capacity, and you will also have trouble accessing your data. If there is no hard disk failure that makes data memory, you can recover the data with interventions to be made to other hardware. You can even insert the hard disk products into a different device and get the data inside. But since our problem is hard disk data recovery, it will be to know what to do in case of failure and data loss.

First of all, although it is possible to recover data with different methods, it will not be possible to recover data with the devices in your hand in case of severe losses. Because as this is a technical issue, you cannot see or test the failures that occur on the hardware with your eyes.

In case of failure of the integrated circuit on the hard disk, it will be possible to detect this in the laboratory environment. As such, it is not possible to detect this in the office or home environment. These situations need to be done is to work with data recovery centers.


How Do Data Recovery Centers Work?
In modern informatics laboratories, such centers, which perform data recovery with the work done with high technological equipment, have high success rates because they come to the forefront with the techniques they use. With its well-equipped working team, which is expert in this field, it recovers data in a short time and safely. They don't just recover data losses caused by hardware or various factors. They also recover data that you delete intentionally or accidentally.

Even in hard disk data recovery situations, deleting a data normally and then adding new data to the hard disk causes the deleted data to be much more difficult to get rid of. Since this situation is often encountered in companies, operating on hard drives with data written on them requires a professional touch. Data recovery is not done with various programs, but you can access the data again by writing renewed codes for each device and collecting the remaining code crumbs in the data storage center of the device.


How Much of Deleted Data Is Recovered?
Today, data recovery operations are frequently performed on devices and systems such as hard disk data recovery, server data recovery, raid data recovery, ssd solid state data recovery, nas data recovery, ata data recovery, usb flash memory data recovery and cryptolocker file recovery. Since such systems are used for different purposes, what is important here is the type of data that is lost or deleted. As 100% data recovery is done, we can also say that there will be great losses. For example, losses in camera recordings or photographs may be greater.

However, documents can be recovered more easily. In addition, the fact that the data to be recovered, ie the file type, is a frequently used type, increases the recovery rate. Therefore, visual materials generally consist of the same type and have a high success rate in recovery.


Those who are in search of a data recovery center are also important in the services they will receive. In addition to the fast and safe recovery of data, it is very important that you are anywhere in Turkey, send hard disk or similar materials safely by cargo, ensure the recovery of data and overcome your problems accordingly. Privacy is one of the most important issues for data recovery. It will definitely be better if you prefer companies that are experts in this business and have certificates.


Data Cannot Always Be Recovered Unfortunately
The loss of data can be caused by many developments such as aging of mechanical components, physical impact on the user's mobile phone or hard disk, encryption of data by hackers, natural disasters such as fire, flood, etc. Lidyum IT General Manager Barbaros Akkoyunlu; He states that they first ask the people and institutions applying for data recovery to fill out a form, through which they obtain information about how the data has been lost and on which data they will attempt to recover. In addition, with this information, it has become easier to determine the data recovery technique, Akkoyunlu said, adding that the right methods should be used at the point of data recovery.

It is not always possible to recover data lost in various ways. For this reason, data owners are advised to host multiple backups in different locations. The backup process can be carried out in accordance with the request of the data owner, by transferring the data to the backup disk or by backing up to the computer and mobile phone remotely with the cloud system.


Users should not interfere with the device when data loss occurs
It is also possible to encounter negative consequences during the recovery of data. When you drop your mobile into the water, the data cannot be recovered if the chip on which the RAM is saved is broken. In some cases, if the level of the hard disk is seriously scratched and tilted, the recovery process results in a negative result. In cases where other data is written on the hard disk and memory card, the data cannot be recovered if the backup is not taken. The first thing to do when faced with data loss is to protect the current state of the device. If users do not intervene on the device, the likelihood of data recovery is much higher.

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