My computer have an virus what should I do?


19 Tem 2011
Firstly hello guys. Yes some people gets virus and makes SYSTEM RESTORE with out any malware program.

What is this makes?

System Restore for example you have installed a program today and Google does not impart harmful output
and we do it like in the photos by opening our start sign directly.

Some virus are deleting this method on your pc but generally it works. Lets go to the making.

We go to the "Launch" button and type it "SYSTEM RESTORE".


And after the incoming screen there will be screen like this.


Sometimes there wont be in "Launch" button. For this you should type "msconfig".


Yes we have clicked but didn't open. We click the button named "Tools".

We select "System Restore" button.


After we did say "Continue", there will be an screen like this. The date on which you installed the program is possible to convert it to 1 day before that day.

Just click the "Scan For Affected Programs". What is it "Scan For Affected Programs"?

This option shows you the deleted programmes. After that select "Continue".


There will be an screen like this. After the checking you can press the "Finish" button.



Translator: Xowly
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