small but effective guide to become a Python Developer in 2023


Moderasyon Tim Lideri
7 Tem 2013
if you want to become a python developer and looking for a guide then you have come to the right place. before writing this, I looked for various available roadmaps online which list a lot of things that you need to learn to become a developer. if you read some of those than you know that if you want to become a python expert which can take years of course, we can talk about python tools frameworks and libraries of course but let's talk the programming language.

python is one of the most popular programming language in the history of software development we all know it. and its so attractive to learn so lets get into it


1.start to learn it

many people have created online resources to teach basics of python you can learn from whatever you want a paid course, some kind of youtube channel or blogs you can find it I don't have a specific example for that. all of these resources are good to start of course because you are a beginner and you have to learn basics. go check the python documentation it follows step by step to understand the basics of language. still if may take a lot of time. especially if you like learning from videos it can be very hard for you to read it.

1.go check and find bootcamp from zero to hero in python

we know that bootcamps are very good to learn any language and there are a lot of complete python bootcamp from zero to hero in python course on udemy or other platforms that will teach you almost everything you need to know to start your to reach another level and start building something useful with it.

2.learn oop

those are the basics of python later you will also need to learn object oriented programming which consists of class, getter & setter, inheritance, modules etc.

3.frameworks & libraries
once you have completed the bootcamp course and you did everything that I said above, then you are ready how to build something using this language. you know that its an open source language meaning people are constantly collaborating to make it easier to use them in creating your project instead of writing the whole code

4. web development

go check django for this and go check postgresql, mysql, sqlite and oracle.

5. flask
flask is a back-end python framework go check it out. a lot of developer use web applications and more straightforward for learning than django but not powerful and extensive as the previous one and its used for simple and lightweight web applications

6. desktop applications
go check pyQT, Tkinter visualization
data visualization is converting data to meaningful things for a better understanding of the problem go check matplotLib for this. and of course seaborn.

so there are many frameworks out there I mean this list of frameworks and libraries is nothing compared to what python language has. still I think its a good start and remember to be patient while learning this amazing language.

thx for reading
Gauloran <3


24 Nis 2023
if you want to become a python developer and looking for a guide then you have come to the right place. before writing this, I looked for various available roadmaps online which list a lot of things that you need to learn to become a developer. if you read some of those than you know that if you want to become a python expert which can take years of course, we can talk about python tools frameworks and libraries of course but let's talk the programming language.

python is one of the most popular programming language in the history of software development we all know it. and its so attractive to learn so lets get into it


1.start to learn it

many people have created online resources to teach basics of python you can learn from whatever you want a paid course, some kind of youtube channel or blogs you can find it I don't have a specific example for that. all of these resources are good to start of course because you are a beginner and you have to learn basics. go check the python documentation it follows step by step to understand the basics of language. still if may take a lot of time. especially if you like learning from videos it can be very hard for you to read it.

1.go check and find bootcamp from zero to hero in python

we know that bootcamps are very good to learn any language and there are a lot of complete python bootcamp from zero to hero in python course on udemy or other platforms that will teach you almost everything you need to know to start your to reach another level and start building something useful with it.

2.learn oop

those are the basics of python later you will also need to learn object oriented programming which consists of class, getter & setter, inheritance, modules etc.

3.frameworks & libraries
once you have completed the bootcamp course and you did everything that I said above, then you are ready how to build something using this language. you know that its an open source language meaning people are constantly collaborating to make it easier to use them in creating your project instead of writing the whole code

4. web development

go check django for this and go check postgresql, mysql, sqlite and oracle.

5. flask
flask is a back-end python framework go check it out. a lot of developer use web applications and more straightforward for learning than django but not powerful and extensive as the previous one and its used for simple and lightweight web applications

6. desktop applications
go check pyQT, Tkinter visualization
data visualization is converting data to meaningful things for a better understanding of the problem go check matplotLib for this. and of course seaborn.

so there are many frameworks out there I mean this list of frameworks and libraries is nothing compared to what python language has. still I think its a good start and remember to be patient while learning this amazing language.

thx for reading
Gauloran <3
Thank you for useful work!!
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