How to Use Terminal on Mac


Moderasyon Tim Lideri
7 Tem 2013
How to Use Terminal on Mac




Terminal is the command line interface that allows you to use Unix commands to perform some tasks much faster the graphical user interface (GUI). With terminal commands, you can open files and improve the performance of your Mac and much more. So, I will explain how to use Terminal on Mac.


Open the Terminal

First, open the Terminal. There are several options to do this but the easiest way is to press command + spacebar to open Spotlight and search for "Terminal". Top Hit should be a Terminal app.


When the terminal opens, you can resize by dragging one of the corners to expand it. You can also change the appearance of the application. For this, go to Terminal>Preferences.


After that you can start using it to execute commands on the computer.


Command Line Basics

You can do many nice things with the terminal. For example if you really want, you can use a terminal command to talk with your Mac.


Each Terminal Command Has Three Parts

Be careful when using terminal commands, because some commands can delete your files or cause other damages.


Argument: Also called a command line argument, is a file name or other data that is provided to a command in order for the command to use it as an input. A command is an instruction telling a computer to do something, such as execute (i.e., run) a program.


For example, if you want to move a file you would use the "mv" command. The output will be the ******** where you want the file to be moved. So, you can move a file from your desktop to your ********s file with this command:

mv ~/Desktop/TerminalTestFile.rtf ~/********s


Rules for Using The Terminal Commands

Now, you understand the basics of how to type and use terminal commands. There are rules you need to understand. When using the terminal, you should always type the command and press enter or return key on your keyboard. You can press Ctrl + C to interrupt a running command. You can not use the mouse to interact with the Terminal.


Press command + q to exit the terminal without using your mouse. Commands are automatically executed in the last used ******** on your computer. If you want to specify a different ********, you must use the cd command and a directory path to specify the command that you want to execute.


If you have never used a terminal before, you may be confused while executing a command. Don't worry!

For example when you type cd ~ you return to the main directory. In your terminal, your cursor will move to the next line without showing anything. But don't worry!



Using Terminal Commands on Mac

You can start using terminal commands to move faster and be more efficient while using your computer. Here are a few terminal commands.


Most terminal commands are about navigating files or directories on your computer. For example, you can use the ls command to view a list of all files in the current directory.



Translator dRose98

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