BruteDum- A network attack bruteforce tool


Moderasyon Tim Lideri
7 Tem 2013
I came across a real doozy with this little BruteDum Python script. It bruteforces different network protocols like SSH, FTP, Telnet, PostgreSQL, RDP, and VNC using Hydra, Medusa, and Ncrack. You can create a very effective penetration testing tool by combining this tool with your preferred enumeration tool—or not. When I first started researching this tool, I ran into a lot of problems. Mostly because everything on GitHub was incorrect or deleted, and the developer simply vanished. If you know what to look for, it's not a big deal, and I was able to successfully launch this tool on my Kali Linux WSL installation.

Installation of BruteDum Have fun trying to make this tool work even though it appears to be a great addition to your hacking toolkit. All of the walkthroughs have been deleted, and the installation script contains a mistake that should not be followed. All links, screenshots, and attachments have been deleted, and the developer is not responding. For the sake of this article, I therefore took matters into my own hands.

git clone cd BruteDum python3

I was able to install the brutedum script on my computer after making a few minor adjustments. My recommendation is to copy the code from GitHub and make the necessary changes. If necessary, you can import a new module and add a proxy. After executing the command, I obtained the following:

I was then able to run a nmap scan on the target, though it produced few results. If you know how, you can change this in the script. I was asked to select a protocol to attack after the nmap scan. The program was unable to locate a path to execute even after I created a wordlist and placed it in the same directory. You're in luck if you know the username and have a list of passwords.

Conclusion For some unfinished work, this tool works wonders. There are undoubtedly a lot of changes that need to be made, but after experimenting with it for a few days, you can actually get a decently functional tool. Additionally, adding additional nmap modules is relatively simple, so that's a plus. But because I had to put in so much work, I can only give this tool a 1 out of 5 bunnies rating.​
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