Hey, I'm Newbie!

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Charon XXXI

Yeni üye
14 Ocak 2021
Hey guys, sup? First of all, I'm from Turkey too. Me talking in English shouldn't confuse you. I'll try my best to be an active member in this section :)


Senior Hunter
31 May 2020
Hello welcome my friend I saw your nickname in a movie :D a movie about deep web I saw it too and I got my nickname rabosce too the escobar reverse my old nickname escobar

(Rabosce IV.) :diablo
Son düzenleme:


Katılımcı Üye
21 Eki 2015
Hey, welcome to the International Forum. We are very happy to see you here. Feel free to write down comments to the article. Have fun!


Özel Üye
21 Nis 2020
You can take a look at the articles in International Forum section to improve your English. We're glad to see someone here.

Charon XXXI

Yeni üye
14 Ocak 2021
Hello welcome my friend I saw your nickname in a movie :D a movie about deep web I saw it too and I got my nickname rabosce too the escobar reverse my old nickname escobar

(Rabosce IV.) :diablo

Thanks. Ikr? That movie was fantastic.

Hey, welcome to the International Forum. We are very happy to see you here. Feel free to write down comments to the article. Have fun!

You can take a look at the articles in International Forum section to improve your English. We're glad to see someone here.

Thank you! I'ld like to read your topics but what should I do if I detect a mistake about your translation or context? Should I comment it below the topic or send you guys via dm?
Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...

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