Installing Virtual Machines on Mobile Devices


Katılımcı Üye
1 May 2020
Beacon Hills

If you want to create and use virtual machines with different operating systems on your phone, you can use the Limbo x86 app. Here is a step-by-step guide:
  1. Download the Limbo x86 App: You can download the Limbo x86 app from its official GitHub page. Download and install the app on your phone from this link: Limbo x86 GitHub Download Link
  2. Prepare the ISO File: You need to obtain the ISO file of the operating system you want to install on the virtual machine. For example, you can download ISO files of popular operating systems like Kali Linux or Windows 10. Make sure to download ISO files from trusted sources.​
  1. Open the Limbo x86 App: Open the Limbo x86 app and follow these steps to create a new virtual machine:​
  • In the first step, tap on the "New" button and create a virtual machine profile.​
  • While configuring the VM settings, set the "User Interface" option to "Pc".​
  • Select "Architecture" as "x86".​
  • Choose "QEMU" as the "Machine Type".​
  • In "Virtual Machine Storage", use the "Disk Image" option to locate the ISO file and point to the path of the downloaded ISO file.​
  • tmNp48tbctd6fHCbf6tz8X5QL5sMXdNAblAN2DtEQY0fxY3J8uL14e-2DhrsqkPVJOR0=w5120-h2880-rw
  • (This is a visual representation) (The architecture I mentioned in the topic is x86).​
  • You can create storage space for your system by providing it a 2nd Hard Disk capacity.​
  • The Share folder option allows you to share files on your device.​
  1. Install the Operating System: After configuring the settings, start the virtual machine by tapping on the created virtual machine profile. At this point, you will perform the operating system installation.​
  • The Limbo x86 app will detect the ISO file and ask you to select the operating system you want to install.​
  • After selecting the operating system, the installation process will begin. Follow the instructions provided by the operating system and make the necessary configurations.​
  • Once the operating system is installed, your virtual machine will be ready to use!​
By following these steps, you can use the Limbo x86 app to create a virtual machine on your phone and test out different operating systems.

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