What is Cyber Intelligence? Block the Spy on Your Company


Uzman üye
9 Tem 2013
Cyber intelligence is the name given to all the activities carried out to determine how to protect companies from these attacks by revealing the risks of attacks that may come from the electronic environment.


Due to the convenience brought by digitalization, almost all activities in daily life are somehow connected to the online environment. It is almost impossible to imagine even a life without the Internet. Internet use has gone far beyond individual use and has spread to all areas of business, from private companies to government agencies. Therefore, all these people, companies and institutions that have a connection with the internet become vulnerable to cyber threats.

As it is possible to commit crimes by using different tools in various parts of the world, it is also possible to commit crimes with appropriate tools in the virtual environment. In fact, people who are inclined to commit crimes stay away from committing crimes many times with the fear of being caught in real life and the worry of getting punished, while the opposite is the case on the internet. Since the risk of being caught is relatively low thanks to the privacy brought by the Internet, these malicious people can easily dare to commit crimes. Cyber attacks are one of the most common crimes committed by criminals.


What is a Cyber Attack?
Cybercrime not only violates people's privacy, but also threatens companies' corporate information and infrastructure. Internet hackers, popularly known as hackers, sometimes take advantage of security vulnerabilities and sometimes infiltrate companies' networks by using various malicious software. Depending on the company's field of activity, these infiltrations and attempts can be made for a variety of purposes, from information theft to the seizure of bank accounts, from slowing down and damaging the system to spreading fear by showing security vulnerabilities to the public.

These harmful activities, which can be carried out using different methods for various purposes, are generally called cyber attacks. For cyber attacks, sometimes it is enough to detect a vulnerability, while sometimes it is necessary to use a virus program. Cyber attacks, which sometimes involve the use of various electronic devices, can be carried out for various purposes.


Cyber attacks can be carried out using many different methods according to their purpose. The first of these methods is the method called DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) that aims to prevent the website from serving. In this method, a request is sent to the website from many computers at the same time and a response is requested. Because the number of these requests exceeds the value that the server the website is connected to can meet, the site crashes and becomes inoperable.

As used in the DDoS method in cryptojacking, the compromised computers are not used to send requests to other computers, but to mine crypto money in the background. Therefore, even if the operation is not performed, the computers that are constantly used intensively slow down and their fans remain active.

Malware is the general name given to malicious software. Viruses can harm your computer on their own, while Trojans, known as trojan horses, allow hackers to remotely control your computer. By controlling computers remotely, your bank accounts can be emptied, your information can be stolen, and in some cases, people can even be used for blackmail by threatening with disclosure. In the method known as Keylogger, the keys you click on the keyboard are recorded and your username and password are seized to steal money from your accounts. In the method known as Ransomware, your access to the data on your computer is prevented by placing a password. To unlock the password, a ransom is demanded in relatively untraceable currencies such as bitcoin.


In the phishing or phishing method, people are allowed to enter the copy of real websites. Thus, it is aimed to defraud the person by obtaining information such as bank, card information, important identity information. Sites that are similar in this method are usually the sites of banks and various financial institutions. Thus, it is aimed to provide the desired information to the site by providing confidence to the person. Hackers who redirect to fake sites with links sent to the e-mail address or phone fill the content they send for this purpose with advantages that will attract the person. They take your card information and spend money on your card with tempting expressions such as "instant low-interest loan" or "get your card fee refund immediately".


In the method called Man in the Middle, the modem to which your computer is connected is hacked and the transactions you do on your computer are monitored. Such operations are usually done by hacking modems that can be used in the public domain. Thus, all the transactions made by the person connected to the internet are also seen by the hacker. As soon as the hacker reaches something that he can use, such as a bank password, he reaches his goal by using it.

Methods of Protection from Cyber Attacks
When it comes to how to protect yourself from cyber attacks, many people think of antivirus programs first. Other methods of protecting yourself from cyberattacks include firewall, proxy and VPN services, cloudware, and proactive methods. One of the most useful of these methods is to use a firewall. It protects you from malicious software by using software on personal computers and firewall devices on servers to prevent malicious software before it enters your system.


What is Cyber Intelligence?
Cyber intelligence is the name given to all the activities carried out to determine how to protect companies from these attacks by revealing the risks of attacks that may come from the electronic environment. It is a very difficult and special area to predict where the cyber attacks that can be made by various methods will come from and to prevent these attacks. Even if the IT employees of the companies have knowledge about cyber security issues, there is a need for experts in the field to manage the holistic process called cyber intelligence. The data collected electronically is processed and evaluated in the context of the company's vulnerabilities and the attack methods of the criminals. As a result of the evaluation, measures are taken according to possible attack methods and the damage to be taken from the attacks is minimized.


The Importance of Cyber Intelligence
The first and most important purpose of cyber intelligence is to make the necessary preparations before the cyber threat arrives.

According to research by Cybersecurity Ventures, cybercrime is estimated to cause up to $ 6 trillion in damages in 2021. In addition, this loss is expected to increase by 15% every year to $ 10 trillion by 2025. It is becoming more and more important for cyber security with the criminals who see the easy money earned from cyber attacks turning to this area. Precisely for this reason, cyber intelligence is becoming a necessity instead of an option today.


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