International Moderation Team

Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...


Özel Üye
21 Nis 2020


Do You Want to Join International Moderation Team?

Dear TurkHackTeam members;
Our moderation team is one of the most rooted and valuable teams of our forum, which hasn’t lost its function since the establishment of our forum and hasn’t lost its function on the contrary, continues its activities without slowing down. When you enter the forum, if there are no cases like profanity, slang and violation of the rules etc. from the topics on your home page posts, the Moderation Team was the pioneer of this.

We are looking for new friends in our Moderation Team.

Required Qualifications

• Having no problems with internet access
• Able to show what they know in the most effective way, researching what theu don’t know and open to constant learning
• In short, we don’t want reasons like my job is interfering, I have an exam in two days. These aren’t problems that arise so soon. Please think carefully while applying.
• Users who want to join the administration and leave in a short time will be suspended
• We are waiting for applications from people who don’t hesitate to take responsibility and who are committed to the mission.

The information you use in the application won’t be shared with third parties.
The private message will be titled “Intern Assistant Application”

Applications will be sent to Dolyetyus via PM or to the [email protected].

Application Form

Profile link(if any):
First name:
Last name:
Date of birth(day/month/year):
Phone number:
Education Status:
Platforms you previously served on(if any):
Your Daily Online Time:
Your hobies:
Reference (If any):
And If you want to add something:

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