Newbie to PHP


Moderasyon Tim Lideri
7 Tem 2013
What is PHP?

PHP is an open-source, HTML-embedded scripting language that can be used to develop web applications.


Where do I find information about MySQL? Where do I find the MySQL manual? If you are unfamiliar with MySQL, I suggest installing a database web based graphical interface and helper application, such as phpMyAdmin ( ).


Where do I find the Apache web server?

Welcome to The Apache Software Foundation!

The Apache web server is open source, very popular, free and can run PHP as a server module for increased efficiency.

*nix Linux/FreeBSD

Where do I find open source *nix? What is LAMP? It stands for Linux Apache MySQL PHP working together as a single web applcations platform. It is regarded by some as the premier or at least most popular open source platforms. Some prefer FreeBSD over Linux. LAMP is a model for WAMP a similar Windows package.

How To Learn PHP Programming

Sometimes the following ways of learning programming are more helpful than reading books. You can learn by helping others learn by building open source software for a community learn by reading the specs and docs and articles available on the web learn by lurking in discussion groups/use discussion archives to their fullest as a reference learn by reading the manual for your programming language (an interactive manual such as can be a true learning environment as well as a place for developers to pick up hints on bugs and features or helpful hints and code)


If you are going to start learning PHP and XML, I recommend HTML-KIT ( -- tools for developers).

In general, if you are going to use PHP’s internal XML DOM processor, go to Google and search on “PHP XML”. There are some great suggestions there. The PHP manual itself is where I got started (

How do I make a PHP page?

PHP pages are text files like any other text file and can be edited in any text editor. Create a text file, write some PHP code, save it or uploaded it to the web server, give it a .php extension (or other extension if you’re using something else) and access it in your browser.
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