Quick Tip: Make a jQuery Count Up Timer


Moderasyon Tim Lideri
7 Tem 2013
Step 1: Renaming The Old
First you need to grab a copy of the original plugin from the linked article above and extract it somewhere on your hard drive. Now you don't want to have a plugin named count down that counts up do you? We have to rename it. Change the names of the assets/countdown folder and the files inside it to countup respectfully. Also remember to change the paths in index.html that refer to these files.


Step 2: Writing The New
Only minor modifications have to be done on the plugin itself. Open assets/countup/jquery.contup.js and do the following edits:

// Creating the plugin
$.fn.countup = function(prop){

    var options = $.extend({
        callback    : function(){},
        start       : new Date()    // Changing this to "start"

    // Tename the "left" variable to "passed"
    var passed = 0, d, h, m, s,

    init(this, options);

    positions = this.find('.position');

    (function tick(){

        // Calculate the passed time
        passed = Math.floor((new Date() - options.start) / 1000);

        // Calculate the passed minutes, hours and days     

        d = Math.floor(passed / days);
        updateDuo(0, 1, d);
        passed -= d*days;

        h = Math.floor(passed / hours);
        updateDuo(2, 3, h);
        passed -= h*hours;

        m = Math.floor(passed / minutes);
        updateDuo(4, 5, m);
        passed -= m*minutes;

        // Number of seconds passed
        s = passed;
        updateDuo(6, 7, s);

        // Calling an optional user supplied callback
        options.callback(d, h, m, s);

        // Scheduling another call of this function in 1s
        setTimeout(tick, 1000);

    // This function updates two digit positions at once
    function updateDuo(minor,major,value){

    return this;
To call the plugin, simply do the following (this is also the code you must place in script.js instead of the current one):

Alternatively, if you wish to count up from a moment in the past:

    start: new Date(2012, 10, 27, 15, 58, 21) //year, month, day, hour, min, sec

this post is quoted​

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