Domain Extensions and .BLOG


İhbar Hattı Sorumlusu
18 Tem 2016
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti
What are Domain Extensions?

The most effective way to leave a mark on the virtual world is to have a web page.
For this reason, in our age, there are millions of websites that are active in every field, operate in servers and present them to the internet.
Providing or reaching the visual and written content that you want to be able to announce to the users in the virtual world is an important issue.
Web sites in this virtual world are included in certain templates and concepts.


We can say that we need a guiding map to find our way in this mysterious world.
For this, domain name service is available.
Thanks to this service, the site is reflected by communicating directly with the web server from a single url structure.

One nice feature of a domain name is that you choose the name you want.
Of course, the domain name is provided by hosting companies for a certain fee.
Of course, the domain name we choose has an extension at the end, but there are changes in fees according to these extensions.


For example, .com domains on the company named are priced at $ 8.
When we look at a .net domain on, it costs $ 11.
Of course, these prices can change based on the dollar rate currently.

What is blog?

As can be understood from the name of the blog, it is a highly preferred and remarkable extension (Domain) by blog writers.
Of course, you can get this domain for free. You don't need to be a blogger to get this domain!
It is difficult to get a domain name with a nice name for the oldest and most popular domains of our time, namely .com .net .org.
For this reason, the .blog domain name has become a domain that is widely preferred by bloggers in our age and will attract the attention of willing users.
Finding a creative website by users is now very easy with this domain!


Have a nice day

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