
Kıdemli Üye
8 May 2021


When the market is entered on E-Commerce platforms, a serious sunday is reached.


Some Explanations For HepsiBurada :

The store landing page and the user page are separate. That's why he should click on the “Make a Sale” section at the bottom and click on the “Apply” button. In this way, the application form will be reached. It is compulsory to be a company. It will be necessary to enter exactly the required place in the form where your business title is located.

You need to enter your company's bank information in the Bank information section. The legal address registered for the company's tax sheet should also be entered in the billing address section.

When determining the store name section in the application form, you must use a name that no one else uses. The system will not accept it if a similar name has already been written to someone else.

In the Shipping address option, if the address where the products in your warehouse will be shipped is different, this information can be entered in this section. But if the shipping address is not different, if it is the same as the company address, this option does not need to be selected.

Company Type: In order to open a store in Hepsiburada, it is necessary to establish either a private company or a limited liability company or a joint stock company.

You will also be asked for information about whether you are selling on other e-commerce sites. If you are doing this, it will be in your best interest to enter this information, because this information will increase the possibility of being accepted by all of them here.

Signature Authority Information Entry: When entering this information and considering the contact authority information, if the authorities are separate, the information of the authorized persons should also be entered separately. But if the contact person with the signature authority is the same person, the “Contact information of the Signature Authority and the Contact Authority is the same” option will automatically fill out the forum at the bottom when checked.

Then, when the ”Complete" button is clicked, the recording phase is completed. After this is completed, the documents will need to be sent. At this stage, the contract related to the “Seller's Agreement” and “Commission Rates” will be formalized after downloading and printing, caching, signing it and scanning it and uploading it to the system in this way. Other documents are documents related to the company: tax sheet, notarized signature circulars, certificate of activity, commercial register information. After the document loading stage, the approval stage is started. Normally, a return is provided within 5-7 days after this information entry. When all the information and documents have been approved, the right to start selling will be born.


Documents can be managed in the “Management Screen” of the store, and approved or not approved documents can be viewed here. Under the Help section, there is detailed information about what to do.

The contract must be downloaded as a PDF, each page of this document must be individually stamped and signed, and then scanned again in PDF format. It can be restored as a zip file or as a PDF single copy.

Sales screen: Product loading can be done on this screen.

Product management section: This is the section where transactions about products are made.

Performance section: Status and score are determined by evaluating performance movements such as orders are correct, cancellation rates on orders, cargo is delivered properly and quickly, etc.

Seller Support: There are shipping companies contracted with the registered site. It is enough to inform the shipping company of the site code when they are requested to be used.

Store support line: Assistance can be obtained to solve problems by contacting seller support. Support can be obtained by providing the current code to the authorized person. First of all, he should choose which topic he wants to discuss.

The category commission here can also be viewed in the system in whichever category the product is sold in.

In the maturity section, they indicate the day when they will deposit the money to the company owner.

The section on accounting: They will want to prove that the invoice has been deducted, taxes have been paid.


Types of Companies:

A company can be established in two separate ways, as an individual and a capital company. There are two types of individual companies as collective and commando; Capital companies have varieties called joint stock company, limited liability company, and commando company, whose capital is divided into stakeholders.

The answer to such questions as the stages of the company's establishment, which companies have what requirements and responsibilities, how they are established, what types of taxation systems exist can be found clearly on the website of the Ministry of Revenue Administration. The “E-entrepreneur” section on this site should be studied and the test answered.

There are some steps that need to be learned after this test. When establishing a company, it is necessary to register that a person or a capital company has been opened. Registration of individual companies can be made on the Internet or from the Tax Office.


After opening the Company: a book should be kept, documents should be issued, a declaration should be issued, etc. There are a number of responsibilities. For this reason, it may be necessary to work with an accountant at the beginning. Because sanctions are applied in cases where they remain incomplete or are not made.

After registering, you will be prompted for bookkeeping: such as a journal, a large notebook, an inventory notebook..

It will be good if the issue of which one will be kept on the basis of the enterprise and the balance sheet is decided together with the accountant.

Document editing, that is, invoice cutting and delivery order must be made for the product sent. The invoice can be printed or issued as an e-invoice after the company is established.

It is also stated that documents such as invoices, expense statements, preparation (manufacturer) receipts, self-employment receipts should be used. These documents may vary regarding which products are sold.

It is desirable to provide a declaration: it is necessary to provide a declaration of income or corporate tax. If a personal company is established, it is subject to income tax, and if a capital company is established, it is subject to corporate tax. There is a
“temporary tax” attached to income or corporate income tax, it is also called an “advance tax”. It is defined as a tax received in advance 4 times during the year to be deducted from income or corporate tax in the next year. Value-added tax is also available, there are several percentile tranches. All of these tax periods have certain deadlines, so it may be necessary to work with an expert, that is, an accountant, in order not to miss the payment deadlines for them.

Notification Information: It is requested to be notified about the issues. Information about this situation can be obtained from the financial advisor. The consultant will help with the payment of the tax when and by providing relevant guidance.

Data on Setting Up a Company: It is necessary to examine the sections on the website of the Revenue Administration and find out which taxes are subject to. It is necessary to have information about such issues as the Tax Procedure Code, the Income Tax Code.

The Tax Guide for Taxpayers Who Earn Commercial Profits should be studied, information about their rights and responsibilities should be obtained.


SME (Small and Medium-Sized Business) Taxation Guide: In this guide, you can learn about tax rates and many other things related to tax.

Interactive Tax Office Website: Taxes can be easily paid from this unit's website. It can also be paid from the tax office or the bank, but for those who have limited time, it will be practical to pay online.

Chamber of Commerce Registration: Normally not mandatory. (Gittigidiyor, N11,Hepisburada, Trendyol, Amazon) does not want this recording to be made.

Taxes For the Individual Company: VAT, income temporary tax, express (Withholding, rent....) tax, stamp duty (stamp duty is levied on every declaration).

Differences Between Companies Regarding Partners: In individual companies, partners are responsible for all their assets that are commercially dec to the state. Limited liability companies or joint stock company partners are only responsible for the capital ratio they have put forward. In other words, if the company goes down, the partners in the individual companies will also go down, but the partners in limited liability companies and joint stock companies will not be considered responsible for the debts. In other words, in limited liability companies and joint stock companies, only the company's assets can be confiscated by the state, and in individual companies, the partners' own assets can also be confiscated.


There are two types of Personal Companies: Collective and Commando. Commandite partners, consisting of two partners as a commander and a commander, are unlimited partners. If they are joint-stock partners, they are only responsible for the amount of capital they put in. In the collective company, the partners are jointly and severally liable for the company's debts. The risk is less if a private company is to be established on your own.

For those who are going to start a company for the first time, it will be better to start a private company at the beginning.

Capital Companies: There are also varieties of these companies, they are called limited liability companies, joint stock companies, commandite companies whose capital is divided into shares.

Collective Company: It is a company established by natural persons for the purpose of operating an enterprise with a trade name, the responsibility of its partners is not limited to the receivables of the company.

Joint Stock Company: A company whose capital is divided into certain shares, for which the partners are responsible only for the assets of the company due to debts.

Commandite: The liability of one or more of the partners for the company's debts is not limited, and the liability of the other partner or partners is the company to which it is limited by a certain capital.

A company whose capital is Divided into Shares: A company whose capital is divided into common shares, one or more of the partners are designated as a collective partner of the company against creditors; others are designated as responsible, such as a shareholder of a joint stock company.

The difference between a Limited Liability Company and a Joint-Stock Company: If it is dec to invest in a joint-stock company or sell a company, the state does not charge taxes on it, but it charges a 30-35% tax on a limited liability company.

If it is necessary to choose between the two, dec joint stock company can be selected because if the investor wants to be taken, if it wants to grow, or if the company wants to be sold after a while, the joint stock company is more suitable for all this.

After growing a little, starting with a private company, becoming anonymous and reaching the stage of selling, it will be a more profitable decision to sell.

It is not necessary to keep an office for a private company, but it is necessary to show an address. In this case, the home address can be given, but a rental agreement may be requested. Even if there are those who live with their parents, a contract can be drawn up, for example, as if the father rented a room to his child. It can be used by signing a lease agreement with a friend and his office.

If the office is rented from a person as an office, it will be necessary to pay withholding to the state up to 20% of it. But if it is rented from a company, it is exempt from withholding, as taxes will be paid. It can also use a virtual or shared office. Although it can be agreed with a large company, it can allocate a room or a work area.

Costs of Setting Up a Private Company and Necessary Documents:

  • 2 copies of identity cards
  • Starting a job form that can be filled out via e-Government
  • Workplace lease agreement or title deed
  • 2 Residence addresses that can be obtained via E-Government
  • Rent is approximate (Depends on location) : 1000-2000 TL
  • 2 signature declarations (Notarized): 100 TL
  • Organization power of attorney notary fee: About 200 TL
  • 2 Signature declarations: 100 TL (Can be notarized.)
  • Tax Office stamp duty-50TL
  • Chamber of Commerce expenses: 1300TL
  • The opening service fee of the workplace, which will be paid to the financial advisor, is approximately: 500-800 TL
  • Power of attorney fee for accountant or financial advisor: 170-250TL
  • Circulars of signatures received from a notary: 300 TL
  • If you need a cash register: 1000-1500TL
  • Cachet: 20-40TL


Limited Liability Company Establishment Costs and Documents:

  • Notification forum for the organization
  • Petition for reference
  • Employment contract (Notarized)
  • Certificate of place of residence
  • Lease agreement or title deed
  • Room Registration declaration
  • Receipt of capital
  • Capital for the organization: About 10,000 TL may be required.
  • Rent: (Depending on the location) 1000-2000 TL
  • Power of attorney fee for the organization (Can be obtained from a notary): 200 TL
  • 2 signature circuses (notarized): 300 TL
  • Power of Attorney of the Financial Adviser for the Organization (can be obtained from a notary): 200 TL
  • Contract approval, official books, Competition Board fee, newspaper advertisement fee (Chamber of Commerce): About 1.300 TL
  • Cost of Financial Advisor Organization Service (May vary depending on the city): About 800 TL
  • Stamp: 20-40 TL
according to 2021, the average cost of establishing a limited liability company is about 3000 TL in general terms.
In the case of a private company, a closure may occur in 1-2 days, unless otherwise.
The liquidation process for limited liability companies and joint stock companies is 6 months-1 year, and the closing costs are also excessive.
It is mandatory to pay VAT of
1%, 8%, 18% for the individual company and for the limited liability company, depending on the type of work.
A private company is subject to income tax, a limited liability company and a joint stock company are subject to corporate tax.
Corporate tax is paid at a rate of 22% in limited liability companies, and if the partners want to receive a share of the profit, this time the situation arises that they will pay tax at a rate of 15%.

Tax Rates in Individual Companies by Income Zones:

The income segments and tax rates of wage earners for the individual company can be listed as follows. (as amended by Law No. 7194)

Income Bracket: Tax Rate:

15% up to 24.000TL

For the 24,000 TL of the 53,000 TL, the 3,600TL surplus is 20%

For the 53,000 TL of the 190,000 TL, the 9,400 TL surplus is 27%

For 190.000TL of 650.000TL, a surplus of 46.390TL is 35%

For the 650,000 TL of the more than 650,000 TL, the 207,390 TL surplus is 40%

Income segments and tax rates other than wages for a private company can be listed as follows:

Income Bracket: Tax Rate:

15% up to 24.000TL

For the 24,000 TL of the 53,000 TL, the 3,600TL surplus is 20%

For the 53,000 TL of the 130,000 TL, the 9,400 TL surplus is 27%

For 130.000TL of 650.000TL, a surplus of 30.190TL is 35%

For the 650,000 TL of the more than 650,000 TL, the 212,190 TL surplus is 40%



State Incentives Up to a Certain Age Limit:

operators who are under the age of 29 can see in detail the advantages associated with starting a company on the website of the Department of Revenue Administration. They can benefit from state support and encouragement at the head of the company alone or by forming a partnership and providing the conditions. It is desirable that all partners separately meet the requirements for exceptions. In accordance with these conditions, the state does not charge taxes on this company up to 75000TL for 3 years, and the premiums of people who are insured for the first time are paid by the state treasury for 1 year. But for this, the young entrepreneur must be able to take advantage of the earnings exception, his age must be older than 18 and younger than 29. For the first time, it should consist of natural persons who are considered insured, they should actually work in their own business, or the business should be referred and managed by them. It should not be inherited by spouse or third-degree relatives of the enterprise whose activity has been stopped or whose activity is continuing. If it is desired to become a partner in an existing business later, the incentive cannot be used. All partners can benefit from a tax incentive if they separately meet the requirements for an exception. In case of the death of relatives, an incentive to take over can also be used.

What Should Be Done To Take Advantage of the Insurance Premium Incentive?:

The insured persons are covered by Article 20 of the Income Tax Code No. 193. within the scope of JUL article, Young Entrepreneurs can apply to the Provincial/Central Directorate of Social Security by obtaining an “Earnings Exemption” certificate from the tax office to which they are affiliated.

Individual companies can also hire staff, as well as benefit from incentives and KOSGEB support.

Source : E-Ticaret Mağazası Kuruluş ve Açılış Süreci:

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