How do i steal Steam account?

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19 Tem 2011
Hello readers, i found a method and bought 3-4 accounts to steal a steam account. One had CS:GO, if we calculate 0.50 hk tl as money, 0.24 tl was money.

1. Havij 1.16 version must be installed first. If it is not installed, you can view and download the topics from the forum.
2. Find one shopping site with sql open, by producing dork by yourself. In general, I recommend you to scan valuable sites, because blind sql injection is vulnerable. So even if there is no sql error. (IF THE SITE WAS GOOGLED BEFORE SHARED BEFORE THIS SQL OPENED SITE IS SHARED, THE OTHER SITE HISTORY IS SHARED, I HAVE RECEIVED A NEW SITE.
3. I assume that you found the site with sql vulnerability. It is imperative to take these 3 things as the e-mail password of the phone number and the phone number as data. Your victim to hack the Steam account.
4. The customers registered on the site must have an email gmail yahoo hotmail. (it is hard to pass verification on hotmail emails)
5. Now when you enter the victim's Gmail or yahoo account. "click" in this section, write the victim's e-mail address, and after entering the characters above, the victim does not have an account, found. If found, the password recovery page will come from there, renew the password from this place, it's over.

NOTE: I wouldn't advise you to deal with Hotmaille. Because it is impossible to pass the verification there. I entered 10 screen, rescue, email phone, confirm screen did not appear. So head towards gmaile and yahooya. Gmailde phone verification requests 30% or 70% recovery phone number, the same as phone verification, asks us to write it down. verification in yahoo also wants 10%. I entered 5 verification output in 1.

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