Information About E-Commerce | ENG | Eagleweb


Kıdemli Üye
8 May 2021

Information About E-Commerce | Part 1

First of all, hello Turkish Hacking Team family today I will tell you about what E-Commerce is and what should be paid attention to. This topic is informative for those friends who are interested in E-Commerce, I wish everyone a good read, no matter where you start.

What is E-Commerce and What are its Advantages?

E-Commerce, i.e. Electronic Commerce, is a type of Commerce that emerged with the spread of the Internet in the world in 1995. E-Commerce is the conduct of trade in Electronic form. Today, E-Commerce has become very widespread. Now people buy many things, from clothes to food, by shopping on the Internet. There are many sites where you can do E-Commerce. Example: (Amazon, AliExpress, Trendway, All Here, N11, Gittigidiyor Etc.)

E-Commerce in Turkey

The E-Commerce sector in Turkey has grown unabated and reached a size of TL 60 billion with an increase of 42 percent.
Now let's examine the E-Commerce sunday size in Turkey and around the world by years.

Republic of Turkey




Now Let's Compare Traditional Trade and E-Commerce with You;

Recently, E-Commerce has begun to seriously surpass Traditional Commerce. The main reason for this is that people find it much easier to buy products from a phone or computer than to go to stores and buy products. And the E-Commerce time Bill allows people to find what they want with a click on the Internet instead of physically browsing the store and searching for products. That's why people are turning to E-Commerce.

Cost: The cost is very low in E-Commerce because you don't have to set up a physical store, you don't have a store rent, you don't need labor in your store, you don't need to buy products in your store, you don't need to have a variety of products.

Venue: You can do E-Commerce anywhere you have a computer and internet, you can do E-Commerce by traveling around the world.

Time: There is no shortage of time in E-Commerce you can sell even when you are sleeping at night, your store will be open all the time.

Vision: In E-Commerce, you can reach the whole world and you can sell, If you have a physical store, you can make a single sale to the province or district you are in, you can reach very large audiences with E-Commerce.

Sunday Sunday: The market share of E-Commerce is increasing and will increase as you can see in the charts above, people want their products to come to their homes now, people are getting used to shopping online.

Number of Monthly Visitors of E-Commerce Sites

Amazon: 2.1 Billion

N11: 85 Million

Hepsi Burada: 90 Million

Trendyol: 180 Million

Gittigidiyor: 50 Million


The Best Aspects of E-Commerce

- The best way to start your own business

- Become the boss of your own business

- Make money for yourself instead of making money for others

So How Can You Do E-Commerce

- You Can Create Your Own Site

- Amazon

- N11 - Gittigidiyor

- Hepsiburada – Trendyol (Turkish Company)

Disadvantages of Creating Your Own Site

- Sunday places are more reliable in the eyes of the customer

- Sunday places have customer traffic
- It is difficult to attract customers to your own site
- It is difficult to provide customer trust on your own site

- It takes a very long time for you to provide customer trust on your own site

Source : E-Ticaret Hakkında Bilgiler | Part 1

'The Wolf

Kıdemli Üye
22 Nis 2021
Tanrı dağı

Information About E-Commerce | Part 1

First of all, hello Turkish Hacking Team family today I will tell you about what E-Commerce is and what should be paid attention to. This topic is informative for those friends who are interested in E-Commerce, I wish everyone a good read, no matter where you start.

What is E-Commerce and What are its Advantages?

E-Commerce, i.e. Electronic Commerce, is a type of Commerce that emerged with the spread of the Internet in the world in 1995. E-Commerce is the conduct of trade in Electronic form. Today, E-Commerce has become very widespread. Now people buy many things, from clothes to food, by shopping on the Internet. There are many sites where you can do E-Commerce. Example: (Amazon, AliExpress, Trendway, All Here, N11, Gittigidiyor Etc.)

E-Commerce in Turkey

The E-Commerce sector in Turkey has grown unabated and reached a size of TL 60 billion with an increase of 42 percent.
Now let's examine the E-Commerce sunday size in Turkey and around the world by years.

Republic of Turkey




Now Let's Compare Traditional Trade and E-Commerce with You;

Recently, E-Commerce has begun to seriously surpass Traditional Commerce. The main reason for this is that people find it much easier to buy products from a phone or computer than to go to stores and buy products. And the E-Commerce time Bill allows people to find what they want with a click on the Internet instead of physically browsing the store and searching for products. That's why people are turning to E-Commerce.

Cost: The cost is very low in E-Commerce because you don't have to set up a physical store, you don't have a store rent, you don't need labor in your store, you don't need to buy products in your store, you don't need to have a variety of products.

Venue: You can do E-Commerce anywhere you have a computer and internet, you can do E-Commerce by traveling around the world.

Time: There is no shortage of time in E-Commerce you can sell even when you are sleeping at night, your store will be open all the time.

Vision: In E-Commerce, you can reach the whole world and you can sell, If you have a physical store, you can make a single sale to the province or district you are in, you can reach very large audiences with E-Commerce.

Sunday Sunday: The market share of E-Commerce is increasing and will increase as you can see in the charts above, people want their products to come to their homes now, people are getting used to shopping online.

Number of Monthly Visitors of E-Commerce Sites

Amazon: 2.1 Billion

N11: 85 Million

Hepsi Burada: 90 Million

Trendyol: 180 Million

Gittigidiyor: 50 Million


The Best Aspects of E-Commerce

- The best way to start your own business

- Become the boss of your own business

- Make money for yourself instead of making money for others

So How Can You Do E-Commerce

- You Can Create Your Own Site

- Amazon

- N11 - Gittigidiyor

- Hepsiburada – Trendyol (Turkish Company)

Disadvantages of Creating Your Own Site

- Sunday places are more reliable in the eyes of the customer

- Sunday places have customer traffic
- It is difficult to attract customers to your own site
- It is difficult to provide customer trust on your own site

- It takes a very long time for you to provide customer trust on your own site

Source : E-Ticaret Hakkında Bilgiler | Part 1
Good job bro.


Uzman üye
15 May 2021
En el universo

Information About E-Commerce | Part 1

First of all, hello Turkish Hacking Team family today I will tell you about what E-Commerce is and what should be paid attention to. This topic is informative for those friends who are interested in E-Commerce, I wish everyone a good read, no matter where you start.

What is E-Commerce and What are its Advantages?

E-Commerce, i.e. Electronic Commerce, is a type of Commerce that emerged with the spread of the Internet in the world in 1995. E-Commerce is the conduct of trade in Electronic form. Today, E-Commerce has become very widespread. Now people buy many things, from clothes to food, by shopping on the Internet. There are many sites where you can do E-Commerce. Example: (Amazon, AliExpress, Trendway, All Here, N11, Gittigidiyor Etc.)

E-Commerce in Turkey

The E-Commerce sector in Turkey has grown unabated and reached a size of TL 60 billion with an increase of 42 percent.
Now let's examine the E-Commerce sunday size in Turkey and around the world by years.

Republic of Turkey




Now Let's Compare Traditional Trade and E-Commerce with You;

Recently, E-Commerce has begun to seriously surpass Traditional Commerce. The main reason for this is that people find it much easier to buy products from a phone or computer than to go to stores and buy products. And the E-Commerce time Bill allows people to find what they want with a click on the Internet instead of physically browsing the store and searching for products. That's why people are turning to E-Commerce.

Cost: The cost is very low in E-Commerce because you don't have to set up a physical store, you don't have a store rent, you don't need labor in your store, you don't need to buy products in your store, you don't need to have a variety of products.

Venue: You can do E-Commerce anywhere you have a computer and internet, you can do E-Commerce by traveling around the world.

Time: There is no shortage of time in E-Commerce you can sell even when you are sleeping at night, your store will be open all the time.

Vision: In E-Commerce, you can reach the whole world and you can sell, If you have a physical store, you can make a single sale to the province or district you are in, you can reach very large audiences with E-Commerce.

Sunday Sunday: The market share of E-Commerce is increasing and will increase as you can see in the charts above, people want their products to come to their homes now, people are getting used to shopping online.

Number of Monthly Visitors of E-Commerce Sites

Amazon: 2.1 Billion

N11: 85 Million

Hepsi Burada: 90 Million

Trendyol: 180 Million

Gittigidiyor: 50 Million


The Best Aspects of E-Commerce

- The best way to start your own business

- Become the boss of your own business

- Make money for yourself instead of making money for others

So How Can You Do E-Commerce

- You Can Create Your Own Site

- Amazon

- N11 - Gittigidiyor

- Hepsiburada – Trendyol (Turkish Company)

Disadvantages of Creating Your Own Site

- Sunday places are more reliable in the eyes of the customer

- Sunday places have customer traffic
- It is difficult to attract customers to your own site
- It is difficult to provide customer trust on your own site

- It takes a very long time for you to provide customer trust on your own site

Source : E-Ticaret Hakkında Bilgiler | Part 1
Nice topic
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