Power Spy 8.27 (Keyloger Yazılımı)


Uzman üye
24 Haz 2007

Power Spy 8.27 (Keyloger Yazılımı)

Bu programla çocuklarınızın bilgisayarda neler yaptığını izleyebilirsiniz. Ayrıca internetteki zararlı sitelerden cocugunuzu koruyabilirsiniz. Power Spy'ı diğer takip programlarından ayıran en önemli özellik, simgelerden oluşan menüleri ve gizli modu olması.

Özellikler :
# Gizli Mod
Gizli modda program hiçbir kullanıcıya gözükmez ve hiç belli etmeden her şeyi takip eder. En önemlisi de Başlat menüsünde ve Program Ekle/Kaldır'da görünmemesi. Görev Yöneticisi'nde bile gözükmez.
# IM program takibi
Anında mesajlaşma (IM) programlarında neler yapıldığını en ince ayrıntısına kadar bu fonksiyon ile takip edebilirsiniz.
# E-posta takibi
Gelen kutusuna gelen postaları, gönderilen postaları en ince ayrıntısına kadar bu özellik ile takip edebilirsiniz.
# Basılan tuşları takip etme
Hangi tuşa ne zaman basıldığını bu özellik ile takip edebilirsiniz.
# Ekran görüntüsü kaydetme
Bu özellik ile yapılan tüm hareketleri JPEG biçiminde kaydedebilirsiniz.
# Ve daha birçok özellik...

Power Spy software lets you know EXACTLY what others do on your PC while you are away. It allow you to secretly monitor and record all activities on your computer, and this is completely legal. Such monitoring acts so stealthily that the user won't know its existence.
Power Spy records: all keystrokes, windows opened, clipboard activaties, passwords typed and applications executed; all Skype, MSN Messenger, Windows Live Messenger, ICQ, AIM, Yahoo! Messenger and Windows Messenger's conversation text; all websites visited in MS Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape Commnicator, Netscape Browser, AOL Explorer, Avant Browser, Maxthon, NetCaptor and SlimBrowser; all emails read in Microsoft Outlook 97/2000/XP/2003 and Microsoft Outlook Express 5/6; all ********s opened in MS Word and Notepad. It even takes screen snapshots at your set interval like a surveillance camera.
Perfect for catching cheaters, monitoring employees, children and spouse, acquiring others' passwords, chat records and websites visited, and even investigating crimes.

Key Features:

- Keystrokes Typed - log all keystrokes, including optional non-alphanumerical keys, typed with time, Windows username, application name and window caption.
- Net Chatting Conversations - monitor and record all latest version Windows Live Messenger / Skype / MSN Messenger / ICQ / AIM / Yahoo! Messenger's BOTH SIDES chatting conversations with time, chat users, and all coming/outgoing messages. It also logs the username and password used to login in a messenger.
- Emails Read - log all emails read in Microsoft Outlook 97/2000/XP/2003 and Microsoft Outlook Express 5/6.
- Websites Visited - monitor and record all URLs, Windows username, and time, supported web browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape Communicator, Netscape Browser, AOL Explorer Browser, Avant Browser, Maxthon, NetCaptor and SlimBrowser.
- Program Executed - log all programs including application, executable file, ********s and directories navigated with time, Windows username, application/********/directory name and file paths.
- ********s Opened - log all text contents of ********s opened in MS Word and NotePad.
- Screen Snapshots - automatically captures screenshots of entire desktop or active windows at set intervals. Save screenshots as JPEG format images on your computer harddisk. Automatically stop screenshot when user is inactive.
- Username & Passwords - record all username and passwords typed with program window caption.
- Self Actions - record Power Spy administrator operations, like start or stop monitoring.
- Stealth Mode: Power Spy run absolutely invisibly under Windows systems and does not show in Windows task list. None will know it's running unless you tell them! You can also choose to hide or unhide Power Spy icon and its uninstall entry.
- Logs View: choose to view different type of logs from program main interface. You can delete selected logs or clear all logs, search logs or export logging reports in HTML format.
- Task Schedule: You can set starting and ending time for each task to automatically start and stop the monitoring job.
- Report Delivery: Send logging reports in HTML format to a pre-set emailbox or upload them to a FTP at set time intervals. This allows you to reveal the truth by simply checking your email or opening a web page! Click here to learn how to configure Report Delivery settings.
- Easy-to-use Interface: config Power Spy with either Wizard for common users or control panel for advanced users. User-friendly graphical program interface makes it easy for beginngers.

Homepages: Spy software / monitoring software by eMatrixSoft, Power Spy - Invisible keylogger, email and messenger spy software.

RapidShare: Easy Filehosting


Uzman üye
24 Haz 2007
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