Turkish Intelligence Agencies

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19 Tem 2011
I mentioned about the intelligence my previous post and then I read MwTugi's comment.

Turkey has got intelligence agencies different from MIT.

and I said to myself, "Why don't I search the other Turkish Intelligence Agencies and get inform people?"

1-National Intelligence Organization (Turkey)

The National Intelligence Organization is the state intelligence agency of Turkey. It was established in 1965 to replace the National Security Service. The MİT is in charge of collecting intelligence on existing and potential threats from internal and external sources posed against the territory, people and integrity, the existence, independence, security, and all the other elements that compose the constitutional order and the national power of the Republic of Turkey.

2-Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Undersecretariat

3-Presidency of Strategic Analysis

4-Presidency of Counterintelligence

5-Turkey Foreign Operations Administration

6-Presidency of Security Intelligence

7-Presidency of Electronics and Technical Intelligence

8-Presidency of Signal Intelligence

Presidency of Signal Intelligence , formerly named General Staff Electronic Systems Command. It is a unit that was established in 2012, transferred to MIT. General Staff Electronic Systems Command known as Turkey's highest capacity intelligence and eavesdropping base, transferred to MIT on January 2012 because of the protocol. So, General Staff Electronic Systems Command is known as "Presidency of Signal Intelligence" since May 15, 2012.

9-Undersecretariat of Public Order and Security

The Undersecretariat of Public Order and Security of the Ministry of the Interior was the governmental intelligence organization of Turkey. KDGM was structured as an organization to plan combat against terrorism with a multidimensional and holistic approach and effectively coordinate by also considering social values and dynamics, to play a pioneering role in minimizing terrorism through its policies and strategies, who adopts superiority of law and respect to basic rights and freedoms as principles.

10-General Staff of the Intelligence Department

It's headquarter in Çankaya, General Staff of the Intelligence Department gathers intelligence activities at national and foreign on behalf of the General Staff of the Republic of Turkey. Department of Intelligence, conducts their activities in secret ways.

11-Department of Army Intelligence

12-Department of Navy Intelligence

13-Air Force Intelligence Directorate

14-Department of Coast Guard Intelligence

15-Gendarmerie Intelligence and Anti-Terror Unit

Gendarmerie Intelligence Organization, According to a report by "Anadolu Ajansı", it is an organization established under the initiative of General Commandership of Gendarmerie without the approval of the General Staff, it fights against terrorism.

16-Police Intelligence Bureau

Frankly, I couldn't find any information about the organizations. I didn't want to share all information from blogs because they could be wrong. Thanks MwTugi for the idea.

source: https://www.turkhackteam.org/off-topic/1516027-turkiye-istihbarat-teskilatlari.html

Translator: dRose98
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