Useful Websites For Who Wants to Learn Coding


Kıdemli Üye
3 Haz 2017

Computers' values increase day after day. By this means, coders's values increase too. I'll speak about 8 diffrent learning coding websites today.

1- Udacity

This website gives one week trial education. You need to pay to website. You can learn fundamental level coding and you can fallow this website for develop Android and iOS softwares. Udacity is a useful website for beginner coders who wants to improve himself/herself

2- Platzi

Platzi offers education with diffrent languages. Platzi's educations are giving from expert coders. You need to pay for learning coding educations from this website. You can make web applications' softwares with Node.js and Sails.jg in Platzi.

3- SitePoint

You need to pay for learning coding educations from this website. This website almost offers all topics as diffrent parts. Also, there are free lessons like HTML & CSS, Java, PHP, Ruby etc.

4- Thinkful

You need to pay for take lessons in this website. You can learn coding with teachers in this website. You can work part-time or real-time with that teachers with live connection. Like i said, this website offers teachers for users. So, It reflected to fee.

5- is free website. This website is supporting from expert software coding companies' CEOs. There are technic volunteer in that website's structure. By this means, this website's informations are increase every second. And this website helps to you for learning coding from beginner level.

6- Treehouse

This website is teaching fundamental level coding and desing to users with offering videos. This website sues monthly fee.

7- Code School

This is most popular learning coding website for coding learning people. This website has +1 Million users. You can get Ruby, Java, an HTML lessons in this website. You need to pay for get lessons. But you can create account for free.

8- Codecademy

It is a free website. This website has interactive applied teaching system. You can learn coding with interactive applied lessons in this website. You can win achievement with finish that lessons. Codecademy is offering a funny education.

Translator: M3m0ry
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