What is 5G? What are the features?


Uzman üye
9 Tem 2013
G in 5G stands for generation. In other words, 5G, which represents the 5th generation in wireless internet technology, will be able to provide faster data transfer than previous 4G or 3G mobile networks. In addition, there are differences between each generation in terms of software and interface.

It was used in the first mobile phone models such as 1G, 5110, 3210.
2G has entered our lives with digital mobile phone technologies.
3G was exchanging 200 kilobytes of data per second.

4G and 4.5G refer to the mobile data network we currently use in our mobile phones.

With 5G, more new things are coming. Once the internet will be much faster. The possibility of disconnection will be reduced. There will be the possibility to connect to more than one device with a network. This means that 5G will be ideal for "Internet of Things" technology.

In this process, 4G will continue to develop. Qualcomm's X24 modem will enable an incredible speed of 2GB/second in the 4G mobile network. The main advantage of 5G will be its wide coverage area and the ability to react instantly.


How Will 5G Work?
Like other mobile phone networks, the 5G network will distribute data via radio waves. Each base station will also be wired or wirelessly connected to a main carrier.

The 5G network will use an encryption called OFDM. On the 4G network, this encryption is called LTE. OFDM will provide faster internet access than LTE.

5G transmitters are also expected to be quite small. In other words, compared to tower base stations, 5G transmitters are expected to be as much as the modem in homes. The more small transmitters we have, the more data will be transferred in the network.

Likewise, the 5G network is expected to be smarter than previous systems. Qualcomm's statement states that 5G technology will have a capacity 4 times wider than the previous network and will offer higher bandwidths.

We can say that the main purpose of 5G is to provide higher speed internet, to have a wider coverage area and to shorten the waiting time even more than 4G. If we state that the main target is the internet at a speed of 20 GB per second, you can understand the advantages of 5G technology more clearly.


Where will 5G be used?
Verizon plans to use 5G primarily in homes. Thus, 5G will be competing with the wi-fi in homes.
In the 5G development center in Oulu, Finland, a Twitch-like game site, paralysis rehabilitation service with virtual reality, health devices thanks to smart bandages, equipment that will allow to receive more data from babies in the cuba are being developed. All of these ideas will be possible with the speed, reaction time and low cost that 5G will provide.

Verizon's 5G startups are also working on high-resolution security cameras and virtual reality physical therapy applications.

Driverless cars are also expected to become a reality with 5G technology. The current driverless cars are moving on their own. When 5G goes into service, these vehicles will be able to interact with other vehicles in traffic and offer a safer driving-journey. So everything in traffic will be in communication with each other. For this, the internet response time needs to be very minimal. In other words, the exchange of data between vehicles has to fall into seconds, a millionth of a second.

Another innovation that 5G will provide is that it will serve more than one device at the same time. Currently the Internet of Things only works with Wi-fi. However, with 5G, all smart devices, big and small, will be able to interact with each other.


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