What is a Shell ?


Kıdemli Üye
8 May 2021

Dear TurkHackTeam lovers;

i will give you some information about Shell at the location today.

What is a Shell

Shell, which is an English word, means Shell in its Turkish counterpart.Shell is installed on websites in general. The general purpose of Shell is to obtain the necessary information by infiltrating the website and to make it ready for the necessary panel management.In some cases, it may have the powers of the host owner, which we call the permission authority.Having the required username and password sahp on the host is called root.

When it provides access to the necessary permissions with Shell, it can read and modify files and folders available on the site server, and even delete and reinstall them.

Shell commands are available in many ways. Literally all of these commands need to be known.In this way, it becomes more efficient to use shell.Someone who knows how to use Shell commands well may have more competent permission access on the website.

İt allows the right to switch to multiple server websites.It is possible to do this by logging into the spoll/mail folder on the website's server to find out the user name and passwords for other websites located on the server.


What are the Types of Shells?

As shell types, there are 2 or 3 shell types that are most commonly used. This is the extensions of the shels.php, .with asp .it is indicated as aspx.

in addition to these common shells, there are about 100 more shells available for use.

What Does Shell Do?
Shell is a simple website management process that is performed without full authorization. The shell operation must be performed by people who have knowledge in this area.By performing the shell process, background traffic on the website is examined.Shell disposal is sometimes done by exploiting the vulnerability through the system, while in some cases it may also be caused by the file installed on the website.


How is the Shell Disposed Of?

Shell throwing is usually done by 3 methods.These;

Add a Remote File (Remote File Inclusion),
Add SQL (SQL injection),

How is Shell Cleaning Done?

A backup of the website that has been discarded from the shell is first taken.After the backup is taken, the scanning process with an antivirus program in the computer environment is aimed at cleaning the virus.

Source : Shell nedir?
Moderatör tarafında düzenlendi:

'The Wolf

Kıdemli Üye
22 Nis 2021
Tanrı dağı

Dear TurkHackTeam lovers;

i will give you some information about Shell at the location today.

What İs Shell

Shell, which is an English word, means Shell in its Turkish counterpart.Shell is installed on websites in general. The general purpose of Shell is to obtain the necessary information by infiltrating the website and to make it ready for the necessary panel management.In some cases, it may have the powers of the host owner, which we call the permission authority.Having the required username and password sahp on the host is called root.

When it provides access to the necessary permissions with Shell, it can read and modify files and folders available on the site server, and even delete and reinstall them.

Shell commands are available in many ways. Literally all of these commands need to be known.In this way, it becomes more efficient to use shell.Someone who knows how to use Shell commands well may have more competent permission access on the website.

İt allows the right to switch to multiple server websites.It is possible to do this by logging into the spoll/mail folder on the website's server to find out the user name and passwords for other websites located on the server.


What are the Types of Shells?

As shell types, there are 2 or 3 shell types that are most commonly used. This is the extensions of the shels.php, .with asp .it is indicated as aspx.

in addition to these common shells, there are about 100 more shells available for use.

What Does Shell Do?
Shell is a simple website management process that is performed without full authorization. The shell operation must be performed by people who have knowledge in this area.By performing the shell process, background traffic on the website is examined.Shell disposal is sometimes done by exploiting the vulnerability through the system, while in some cases it may also be caused by the file installed on the website.


How is the Shell Disposed Of?

Shell throwing is usually done by 3 methods.These;

Add a Remote File (Remote File Inclusion),
Add SQL (SQL injection),

How is Shell Cleaning Done?

A backup of the website that has been discarded from the shell is first taken.After the backup is taken, the scanning process with an antivirus program in the computer environment is aimed at cleaning the virus.

Source : Shell nedir?
nice topic bro..


Senior Hunter
31 May 2020
Your topic is very good, my friend, thank you, but I want to point out something. First, there is a lack of visuals on the subject, the second is a bit like a quote, but there is still effort.
I feel like I've read something like this.


Kıdemli Üye
8 May 2021
Your topic is very good, my friend, thank you, but I want to point out something. First, there is a lack of visuals on the subject, the second is a bit like a quote, but there is still effort.
I feel like I've read something like this.
Thank You Man/Girls @JİTEM my friend, of course, I also mentioned the quote below, if the quote you are talking about is not a topic quote, I can't say anything, I'm just an interpreter :)


Katılımcı Üye
9 Tem 2021

Dear TurkHackTeam lovers;

i will give you some information about Shell at the location today.

What İs Shell

Shell, which is an English word, means Shell in its Turkish counterpart.Shell is installed on websites in general. The general purpose of Shell is to obtain the necessary information by infiltrating the website and to make it ready for the necessary panel management.In some cases, it may have the powers of the host owner, which we call the permission authority.Having the required username and password sahp on the host is called root.

When it provides access to the necessary permissions with Shell, it can read and modify files and folders available on the site server, and even delete and reinstall them.

Shell commands are available in many ways. Literally all of these commands need to be known.In this way, it becomes more efficient to use shell.Someone who knows how to use Shell commands well may have more competent permission access on the website.

İt allows the right to switch to multiple server websites.It is possible to do this by logging into the spoll/mail folder on the website's server to find out the user name and passwords for other websites located on the server.


What are the Types of Shells?

As shell types, there are 2 or 3 shell types that are most commonly used. This is the extensions of the shels.php, .with asp .it is indicated as aspx.

in addition to these common shells, there are about 100 more shells available for use.

What Does Shell Do?
Shell is a simple website management process that is performed without full authorization. The shell operation must be performed by people who have knowledge in this area.By performing the shell process, background traffic on the website is examined.Shell disposal is sometimes done by exploiting the vulnerability through the system, while in some cases it may also be caused by the file installed on the website.


How is the Shell Disposed Of?

Shell throwing is usually done by 3 methods.These;

Add a Remote File (Remote File Inclusion),
Add SQL (SQL injection),

How is Shell Cleaning Done?

A backup of the website that has been discarded from the shell is first taken.After the backup is taken, the scanning process with an antivirus program in the computer environment is aimed at cleaning the virus.

Source : Shell nedir?
You wrote realy understandable :)
We are waiting your topics.

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