Exploit Market Rules

Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...


Özel Üye
21 Nis 2020
Değerlendirme - 0%
0   0   0
1) It is forbidden to act against the mission.

2) Topics that are opened must comply with the Forum Rules and Commerse Forum Rules.

3) Unnecessary conversation, discussion, slang, etc. is forbidden.

4) The trade section authorizations of the person who gives blank trade points will be temporarily restricted, and in the case of a repeat of the act, the section authorizations will be taken permanently.

5) Persons whose rating status falls below a certain level will be banned from trading.

6) Authorities do not accept responsibility for the trade.

7) You should open the topics you want to get help or ask questions to TurkHackTeam Help Center.

8) When you see content against the rules in the section, report the situation from the report button at the bottom left.

9) If there is a download link in the topic, the file (.exe or .rar/.zip file) must be scanned with virustotal and the link must be added to the topic.

10) There will be no advertisement of another site in the links or articles on the topics opened in this section. It is forbidden to shorten URLs.

11) Be sure to add your detailed explanation to the topics that will be opened in the section and support it with pictures. Topics with insufficient explanation will be moved to the trash section.

12) Send the POC of your exploit to @Aydogan'. At the end of the review, your topic will be approved.

The moderators who are responsible for the section can update the rules if needed.
Please consider these rules!
Necessary penal sanctions will be strictly applied to members who do not comply with the rules.
Moderatör tarafında düzenlendi:
Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...

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