What is the Deep State?


Uzman üye
9 Tem 2013
I'm back again, I'm ByFelez. We will look at what the "deep state" is in this regard. First of all, let me say that we will not know whether the Deep State exists or not. We will only look at the definition of the deep state in public and we will have an idea of this theory.

The history of the structure we call the state today dates back to 2300 AD. Since it is the necessary structure for the coordination and management of interpersonal relationships, its historical past has been quite worn out. Although there are different definitions of the state, in general the state is defined as an organized form of society, a form of collective will transformed into an organization, a political apparatus, a state of hegemony transformed into developed and concrete institutions.


The Republic of Turkey is a state founded on the continuation of the Ottoman Empire. Anadolu Selcuklu Seljuk Anatolia, built on the continuation of the Ottoman Empire, let it be a state state. The Anatolian Seljuk State, on the other hand, was founded on the continuation of the Great Seljuk State. Anadolu Selcuklu State. Anadolu Selcuklu State. Anadolu Selcuklu State. There are also states on which the great Seljuk State is based. From this point of view, it would not be correct to evaluate the series we are talking about only as an administrative device. It also maintains a tradition in terms of continuity and institutionalization. Therefore, even if they are built on the balance of each other, these states are deep states. We are talking about a structure that knows how to take advantage of more than a thousand years of history, traditions transferred to each other, institutional structures and the accumulations of the geographies they have taken under their rule.


The Deep State in Turkey?
Is there such a deep state in Turkey or not? Is there a structure that goes beyond being a management apparatus, maintains its continuity, maintains institutionalization by improving it, applies Decrees on the functioning of interpersonal and interpersonal problems by revising them according to the conditions of the day, and focuses on improving the living conditions of the people? Is there a mind that thinks about the demands and priorities of the country and the nation and dominates the practices of the state?


This Issue has been discussed for years and it is still being discussed, but the answer to this will never be known. There will only be Theories. But there is a word that affects everyone;

The Higher Istanbul Is, The Deeper Ankara Is.!


Kıdemli Üye
13 Mar 2023
I'm back again, I'm ByFelez. We will look at what the "deep state" is in this regard. First of all, let me say that we will not know whether the Deep State exists or not. We will only look at the definition of the deep state in public and we will have an idea of this theory.

The history of the structure we call the state today dates back to 2300 AD. Since it is the necessary structure for the coordination and management of interpersonal relationships, its historical past has been quite worn out. Although there are different definitions of the state, in general the state is defined as an organized form of society, a form of collective will transformed into an organization, a political apparatus, a state of hegemony transformed into developed and concrete institutions.


The Republic of Turkey is a state founded on the continuation of the Ottoman Empire. Anadolu Selcuklu Seljuk Anatolia, built on the continuation of the Ottoman Empire, let it be a state state. The Anatolian Seljuk State, on the other hand, was founded on the continuation of the Great Seljuk State. Anadolu Selcuklu State. Anadolu Selcuklu State. Anadolu Selcuklu State. There are also states on which the great Seljuk State is based. From this point of view, it would not be correct to evaluate the series we are talking about only as an administrative device. It also maintains a tradition in terms of continuity and institutionalization. Therefore, even if they are built on the balance of each other, these states are deep states. We are talking about a structure that knows how to take advantage of more than a thousand years of history, traditions transferred to each other, institutional structures and the accumulations of the geographies they have taken under their rule.


The Deep State in Turkey?
Is there such a deep state in Turkey or not? Is there a structure that goes beyond being a management apparatus, maintains its continuity, maintains institutionalization by improving it, applies Decrees on the functioning of interpersonal and interpersonal problems by revising them according to the conditions of the day, and focuses on improving the living conditions of the people? Is there a mind that thinks about the demands and priorities of the country and the nation and dominates the practices of the state?


This Issue has been discussed for years and it is still being discussed, but the answer to this will never be known. There will only be Theories. But there is a word that affects everyone;

The Higher Istanbul Is, The Deeper Ankara Is.!
good contact good forum thanks for information

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