About Science


15 Kas 2020
What is Science?

The information path, orderly and coherent information that takes a part of the universe, the phenomena and events in the universe and reaches certain laws based on reality and reality by using some methods and experiments.

What Does Science Do?

The main purpose of science is to make predictions about the universe with the method of research and observation. It is aimed to answer the unknown and present useful information to humanity.

History of Science:

First civilizations:

In prehistoric times, technique and knowledge passed from generation to generation in an oral tradition. For example, the domestication of maize for agriculture in the south of Mexico dates back about 9000 years ago, much earlier than the development of writing systems. Similarly, archaeological evidence shows that astronomical knowledge flourished in societies before the invention of writing. The development of writing allowed information to be preserved and transmitted much more accurately from generation to generation.

Many ancient civilizations systematically made astronomical observations and gathered information. Instead of reflecting on the material nature of planets and stars, they schematized the relative positions of celestial bodies, often inferring their influence on society. This suggests that ancient researchers generally used a holistic intuition, assuming that everything was interconnected, whereas modern science rejects such conceptual leaps

Egypt, Ancient Middle East, China...

Sub-branches of Science:

Astronomy and physics.
Mathematics and Geometry.
Political Science.

Classification of Sciences:

Classification of sciences has an important place especially in the philosophy of science, and many philosophers have reached different classifications of science based on different foundations. The classification of sciences took place in both the Ancient Greek philosophy and in the Messhai school of Islamic philosophy, which later developed the foundations of this philosophy. Aristotle, who dealt with the classification of sciences, argued that the most basic science was philosophy, and that sciences could be evaluated in three main categories. These three categories are theoretical, practical and poetic sciences.

Other philosophers in the Messhai school, such as Fârâbî and Ibn Rushd, similarly treated the classification of sciences on a largely Aristotelian basis.

Philosopher Francis Bacon also touched on the issue of classification of sciences, and when classifying the sciences, he based on human abilities with which he established relationships. Accordingly, three basic human abilities are "memory", "imagination" and "mind". Memory coincides with the sciences of history, imagination corresponds to poetic sciences, and mind corresponds to philosophy.

The future of Science:

Anything can happen :)))

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