Android App- End of Support


15 Kas 2020
With the release of Android version 10, Google has stopped support for Android 7 or earlier. This means that no more security patches or OS updates will be pushed out by Google and Handset vendors as well. In order to keep BlueJeans up to date, with the release of BlueJeans for Android 40, we are ending support for Android 6 and 7.

What does this mean?

It means that older Android devices running Android ver 6 or 7 will still be able to access join BlueJeans meeting using older versions of the BlueJeans app, but patches, bug fixes and security patches will not be released after the version 40 is released on Google Play Store.

Why is support ending?

Google no longer supports these OS versions or handsets. In order to keep current, we are following Google’s advice on this. This means, Google will not be patching this OS at all. Our customers trust us to be secure and to do that, the OS our apps run on need to be supported.

I have an older device that runs Android 6 or 7. What can I do?

You can install a version of our app that runs on these devices, but we will not be adding new features or patching these apps. It is still an awesome experience, but it will not get the new, awesome features as we deliver them.

What versions of Android does Google and my handset manufacture support?



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