Asus zenfo 3 models appeared in the benchmark tests


Kıdemli Üye
22 Haz 2015
GFX bench performance tests published on the site Asus has revealed the features of the two new models zenfo 3 . The company's new smartphone is seen in up to Intel preferences.


Middle class equipped smartphones are increasingly becoming more and more affordable, especially towards the consumers are quite satisfied with the budget-friendly option. Asus zenfo to be displayed as one of the pioneers in this segment. GFX bench performance tests published on the website, reveal that two new Asus model zenfo 3 start testing.

When the website is seen as Z012D Z010DD and found the two models. Just this is enough to show that the third model even zenfo come to light. Because zenfo 2 phones also have the Z008 and Z00AD model number. Also abandon the Intel chip used for 2 to Asus this time, we see that zenfo Skip to Qualcomm.

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Z012D, 5.5-inch 1080p display, Qualcomm Snapdragon 650 processor, 3GB of RAM, seems to be top class models with 12-megapixel rear camera and a 5 megapixel front camera equipment. Z010DD the 5.9-inch larger screen but with a lower resolution such as 720p. This device offers a lower capacity than the other version, equipped with features such as Snapdragon 615 processor and 3GB of RAM condition.

Zenfo to no information yet on when it will be released in 3 models. Smart phone models in the 200 to 300 dollar range is expected to have a price tag.
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