Automation System That Earns 3 Thousand Dollars Per Month (With Proof)


Yeni üye
13 Kas 2022
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i will send the method free of charge for reference to the first 3 people who post comments

First of all, the system is completely based on link abbreviation.

Making money by shortening links is actually simpler than it seems. The only thing missing is clicking on the shortened links or delivering them to the appropriate audience.

So how do we overcome this. Of course, with reddit, the largest forum site in the world.

Before moving on to the topic "How to earn such huge amounts of money"
Let's talk about the material list;

2 reddit accounts,{
*1 account that will share on subreddit and subreddit
*there will be 1 reddit bot account}

1 telegram desktop application and telegram channel

1 discord account and the channel connected to the discord account

1 linkvertise account

1 admaven account

1 pc thonny python ide
the time that can be allocated for 3-4 hours a day, such as minimum 1 month maximum 3-4 months (then passive income.)

In it I will talk about the system where you will get automatic earnings using applications such as python, reddit, telegram and discord. I have been using it flawlessly for more than 2 year.

❗️All you have to do is follow the Steps carefully.

Used programs
Excel (where we will keep the data)
Thonny (python program)
Desktop telegram application.
The desktop discord application.

I discovered the system by a reddit user I've been following for a while now. He's making huge money with a bot. The thousand dollars I'm talking about here will be an ear for him.

Let me briefly talk about the operation performed;

The content we have obtained from several telegram channels. Linkvertise - Earn Money with Links | Monetization done right using the named site, we turn it into a short link. In order to access these links in users, they have to watch linkvertise's ads. In this system, publisher, that is, allows content publishers to earn a considerable amount of money.

How do we do those who have not used link shortening services before? those who are worried about how we will get on top. Like tell trowel don't worry I'll tell you.

I will give step-by-step visual explanations if you apply this part completely. The system works flawlessly.

❗️The cost, by the way, as Dec, is just the effort spent and the electricity bill.

My achievements :
Here are my recent earnings ->
Deccount: e5fxfjt.jpeg

PRİCE: 40$
I Can Use Escrow​
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Uzman üye
20 Şub 2022
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Brother, this is a Turkish forum. It would make more sense if you wrote in Turkish.
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