Backdoor Scanner

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31 Mar 2012
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/* #################################################################################
# [+] File Name : Devilzc0de Backdoor Scanner
# [+] Author : peri.carding
# [+] Thanks goes to :
# [+] Sockaddr_in, shreder.g1rl, stupiditty
################################################################################## */
<title>Devilzc0de Backdoor Scan</title>
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function MM_openBrWindow(theURL,winName,features) { //v2.0,winName,features)
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<center><br><font color="#339900" size="14" face="arial">Backdoor Scanner</font></center><br>
if(isset($_REQUEST['edit']) && $_REQUEST['edit']=='file'){
$filename = $_GET['file'];
echo "<br><br><br><font color=red size=3><b><center>".$filename." deleted...</b></font><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>";
echo "<**** HTTP-EQUIV=******* CONTENT=\"2; URL=javascript:window.close();\">";
if($_POST['update']) {
$filename = $_POST['file'];
if(is_writable($filename)) {
$handle = fopen($filename, "w+");
fwrite($handle, stripslashes($isi));
$stat= "<center><strong>edited successfully<br>";
} else {
$stat= "<center><font color=red><strong>Error! File may not be writable.</font></center>";
if($_POST['close']) {
echo "<**** HTTP-EQUIV=******* CONTENT=\"0; URL=javascript:window.close();\">";
$filename = $_GET['file'];
if (file_exists($filename)){
$vuln = $_GET['bug'];
$handle = fopen($filename, "r");
$contents = fread($handle, filesize($filename));
<tr><td align="left" class="me"><strong><?=$filename?>  >> Contains : <?=$vuln?></strong></td></tr>
<tr><td class="me">
<form method="post" action="">
<input type="hidden" name="file" value="<?=$filename?>">
<textarea name="content" cols="80" rows="15"><?=htmlspecialchars($contents)?></textarea><br>
<tr><td align="center" class="me">
if($_POST['delete']) {
echo "Are you sure to delete ".$filename." ?";
<tr><td align="center" class="me">
<input type="submit" name="yes" value=" Y E S ">
<input type="submit" name="no" value=" N O ">
echo $stat;
<tr><td align="right" class="me">
<input type="submit" name="close" value=" C l o s e ">
<input type="submit" name="delete" value=" D e l e t e ">
<input type="submit" name="update" value=" S a v e ">
echo "<br><br><br><font color=red size=3><b><center>".$filename." not exist...</b></font><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>";
echo "<**** HTTP-EQUIV=******* CONTENT=\"4; URL=javascript:window.close();\">";
$ceks = array('base64_decode','system','passthru','popen','exec','shell_exec','eval','move_uploaded_file');
foreach($ceks as $ceker){
$cek = explode('.', $six);
function ListFiles($dir) {
if($dh = opendir($dir)) {
$files = Array();
$inner_files = Array();
while($file = readdir($dh)) {
if($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file[0] != '.') {
if(is_dir($dir . "/" . $file)) {
$inner_files = ListFiles($dir . "/" . $file);
if(is_array($inner_files)) $files = array_merge($files, $inner_files);
array_push($files, $dir . "/" . $file);
return $files;
<table border="0" width="90%" cellpadding="5">
<td class="me" align="right" width="30"><b>No</b></td>
<td class="me" align="center" width="105"><b> T y p e </b></td>
<td class="me" align="center"><b> F i l e  L o c a t i o n </b></td>
<td class="me" align="center" width="150"><b> L a s t  E d i t </b></td>
<td class="me" align="right" width="80"><b>F i l e  S i z e</b></td>
foreach (ListFiles($target) as $key=>$file){
$nFile = substr($file, -4, 4);
if($nFile == ".php"){
$ops = @file_get_contents($file);
$arr = array('c99_buff_prepare' => 'c 9 9',
'abcr57' => 'r 5 7');
$last_modified = filemtime($file);
$last=date("M-d-Y H:i", $last_modified);
foreach($arr as $key => $val) {
if(@preg_match("/$key/", $op)) {
<tr style ="background-color: Your background Color;" onmouseover="mover(this)" onmouseout="mout(this)">
<td align="right"><font color="red"><blink><?=$i?></blink></font></td>
<td align="center"><font color="red"><blink><?=$val?></blink></font></td>
<td align="left"><blink>
<a href="#" class="abunai" onclick="MM_openBrWindow('?edit=file&file=<?=$file?>&bug=<?=$val?>','File view','status=yes,scrollbars=yes,width=700,height=600')" rel="nofollow"><?=$file?></a>
<td align="center"><font color="red"><blink><?=$last?> GMT+9</blink></font></td>
<td align="right"><font color="red"><blink><?=$size?> byte</blink></font></td>
<script language="javascript">
var bgcolor = "transparent";
var change_color = "#444444"
function mover(aa) { = change_color;
function mout(aa) { = bgcolor;
if((@preg_match("/system\((.*?)\)/", $op))&&(@preg_match("/<pre>/", $op))&&(@preg_match("/empty\((.*?)\)/", $op))) {
$val="hidden shell";
<tr style ="background-color: Your background Color;" onmouseover="mover(this)" onmouseout="mout(this)">
<td align="right"><font color="blue"><?=$i?></font></td>
<td align="center"><font color="blue"><?=$val?></font></td>
<td align="left">
<a href="#" class="xxx" onclick="MM_openBrWindow('?edit=file&file=<?=$file?>&bug=<?=$val?>','File view','status=yes,scrollbars=yes,width=700,height=600')" rel="nofollow"><?=$file?></a>
<td align="center"><font color="blue"><?=$last?> GMT+9</font></td>
<td align="right"><font color="blue"><?=$size?> byte</font></td>
<script language="javascript">
var bgcolor = "transparent";
var change_color = "#444444"
function mover(aa) { = change_color;
function mout(aa) { = bgcolor;
foreach($cek as $bugs) {
if ($bugs<>""){
if(@preg_match("/$bugs\((.*?)\)/", $op)) {
<tr style ="background-color: Your background Color;" onmouseover="mover(this)" onmouseout="mout(this)">
<td align="right"><?=$i?></td>
<td align="center"><?=$bugs?></td>
<td align="left">
<a href="#" onclick="MM_openBrWindow('?edit=file&file=<?=$file?>&bug=<?=$bugs?>','File view','status=yes,scrollbars=yes,width=700,height=600')" rel="nofollow"><?=$file?></a>
<td align="center"><?=$last?> GMT+9</td>
<td align="right"><?=$size?> byte</td>
<script language="javascript">
var bgcolor = "transparent";
var change_color = "#444444"
function mover(aa) { = change_color;
function mout(aa) { = bgcolor;
if(@preg_match("/$text/", $op)) {
<tr style ="background-color: Your background Color;" onmouseover="mover(this)" onmouseout="mout(this)">
<td align="right"><?=$i?></td>
<td align="center"><?=$text?></td>
<td align="left">
<a href="#" onclick="MM_openBrWindow('?edit=file&file=<?=$file?>&bug=<?=$text?>','File view','status=yes,scrollbars=yes,width=700,height=600')" rel="nofollow"><?=$file?></a>
<td align="center"><?=$last?> GMT+9</td>
<td align="right"><?=$size?> byte</td>
<script language="javascript">
var bgcolor = "transparent";
var change_color = "#444444"
function mover(aa) { = change_color;
function mout(aa) { = bgcolor;

foreach($cek as $bugs) {
if ($bugs<>""){
<tr style ="background-color: Your background Color;" onmouseover="mover(this)" onmouseout="mout(this)">
<td align="right"><?=$x?></td>
<td align="center"><?=$bugs?></td>
<td align="center"> not exist </td>
<td align="center"> no record </td>
<td align="right"> -    byte </td>
$find = array('default','base64_decode','system','passthru','popen','exec','shell_exec','eval','move_uploaded_file');
<form id="fCheck" name="fCheck" method="post" action="" autocomplete="off">
<table class="single" width="400" border="1" cellpadding="10">
<tr><td class="me"><center>
<b>S e l e c t   s c a n  t y p e :</b><br>
<table class="me" width="200">
<tr><td class="me">
<script language="javascript">
function cekKlik(){
if (!********.fCheck.cekV.checked)
om = om + 1;
if(om > 0 ){
om = om - 1;
om = om;
if(om != 0){
//dari sini
foreach($find as $bug) {
<script language="javascript">
var om = 0;
function checkValue<?=$bug?>(){
om = om + 1;
if(om > 0 ){
om = om - 1;
om = om;
if(om != 0){
<input onclick="checkValue<?=$bug?>();" name="<?=$bug?>" type="checkbox" id="<?=$bug?>" value="<?=$bug?>" /> <?=$bug?><br>
<input name="cekV" type="checkbox" onClick="cekKlik();" id="cekV" value="cekV">
<input class="isi" disabled="disabled" name="textV" value="other key word" onFocus="" type="text" id="textV">
<input type="hidden" name="asal" value="abcd">
<input disabled="disabled" type="submit" name="Submit" value=" S t a r t  S c a n " />
<br><br><hr width="300">
Backdoor Scanner BDS &copy peri.carding 2011
Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...
Üst internet sitesi 5651 sayılı kanun’un 2. maddesinin 1. fıkrasının m) bendi ile aynı kanunun 5. maddesi kapsamında "Yer Sağlayıcı" konumundadır. İçerikler ön onay olmaksızın tamamen kullanıcılar tarafından oluşturulmaktadır.; Yer sağlayıcı olarak, kullanıcılar tarafından oluşturulan içeriği ya da hukuka aykırı paylaşımı kontrol etmekle ya da araştırmakla yükümlü değildir. Türkhackteam saldırı timleri Türk sitelerine hiçbir zararlı faaliyette bulunmaz. Türkhackteam üyelerinin yaptığı bireysel hack faaliyetlerinden Türkhackteam sorumlu değildir. Sitelerinize Türkhackteam ismi kullanılarak hack faaliyetinde bulunulursa, site-sunucu erişim loglarından bu faaliyeti gerçekleştiren ip adresini tespit edip diğer kanıtlarla birlikte savcılığa suç duyurusunda bulununuz.