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Hello, i am Rumexus, I will talk about how you can benefit from personal weaknesses.
What is the weakness?
These are the points where one is fond, likes and weak.
So what are these weaknesses?
Love, money, fame, religion, unlimited personal requests, one's own ego, etc.
How can we benefit from these weaknesses?
The weakness of the X person is money, so how do we learn this? We will be in constant conversation with the X person, what they like, what they do, what they share on social media, we can ask about their interests. We can get this information with such queries and researches.
How can we benefit from this weakness? Since the weakness of person X is money, he always wants to earn income, and they usually never say no to additional income. As an example, we can talk about jobs that will generate income for x people. This Shopping style can be trading or business offers can be made to earn money from where it lives.
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