Body Language in Intelligence


Adanmış Üye
3 Tem 2016
What is body language?

Body language has most important part in human communication. You can determine if someone is lying to you by their mimics and facial expressions. Body language also help us in meetings, too. For example; eye contact and gestures while talking about something reveal out current mood such as wonder, sad, happy, etc.

You can learn their mood by their facial expressions.


Main factors in body language

Facial expression
Current stance
Used words


Correlation between intelligence and body language

Body language is something important for intelligence unlikely cyber security. Here is an example from cyber security, imagine that you're an agent and you have to act asymptomatically. This situation also valid for cyber security.

Social engineering = body language

There is also body language in social engineering. Tricking victim is up to your word choices. You might have to use your body language in video chat.

Here is an ss example:


+ I'm asking you a favor.
- Who are you and how did you find my number?
+ Relax, we found you by mukhtar.
- What do you want?
+ We created a news agency and want you to take a look at it.
- No, i'm busy.
+ Just take a look at menu and page layout. Let us know if you like it. It won't take 10 seconds.
- Alright, just 10 sec!
+ Yea, 10 sec will do the work, don't worry.
+ Here is our website, thanks for taking a look at it.

He is quite relax and waited for right time.

Ps. It would take 3-4 days in real life. Not as fast as like that.

2nd ss:


+ Hello.
- Hello.
- How did you find my number?
- Who are you and what do you want?
+ Nevermind, i just want you to take a look at this website.
- No, i won't.
- I don't trust you.
- I'm blocking you.

In this scenario, he couldn't perform his social engineering because of the other one was hurry.


How to know if someone's lying

We can know if someone's lying by their body language. If someone's lying:
Tall talk
Av0iding eye contact
Heart rate
These factors are observer.

Example 1:

+ Where have you been in past 2 days?
- I was at the.. you know.. yesterday..

In this scenario, other person couldn't perform his lie because he overthought.

Example 2:

+ What have you done with the money i gave you?
- (by av0iding eye contact) I've done grocery shopping.

He took a look at his surrounding and saw the grocery store. This is how that lie was born.

Example 3:

+ Are you really a software developer?
- Yes, I'm. I've learned Python and C++ in one day.

He just tall talked.

Example 4:

+ Are you really Ottomant descendant?
- (by increasing heart rate) Yea, sure.

Ps. If someone's heart rate is increasing, his respiratory rate also increases.


Translator: R4V3N
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