Career Options in Cyber Security.


Kıdemli Üye
3 Haz 2017

Career Options in Cyber Security

Information security experts protect security systems by identif access privileges, control structures and sources. They determine abnormal things, problems and send violation reports. They provide continuity of system security by auiditing security. Basic responsibility of information security experts is determining potential and available problems and with solving them. You need to 4 years graduate from Electronic, software, IT systems engineering and dair engineer departmenti, if you want to be an information security expert.



Basic responsibility is taking precautions early. Determine security needs, creating abuse using scenarios, threat modelling and have knowledge of security desing topics, analyzing static source codes, making pentests and developing them (Black Box), They responsible of programming, management and configuration of a computer program. Briefly, they responsible of creating daily or disposable programs.



A chief information security expert (CIO) is responsible protect strategy, corporate vision for creating advanced level organizations and provide of ITs. The CISO directs staff in identifying, developing, implementing and maintaining processes across the enterprise to reduce information and information technology (IT) They, proper replies to evets, control facilities, managing security technologies, creating politics and procedures and application directings. The CISO is also usually responsible for information-related compliance (e.g. supervises the implementation to achieve ISO/IEC 27001 certification for an entity or a part of it).
Typically, the CISO's influence reaches the entire organization. Responsibilities may include, but not be limited.



They try to hack a IT institution by using real hacker methods in real world in penetration tests. Thus, penetration test makers think like hacker and try to hack and create hacking scenarios and try to all hacker methods. So, they determine vulnerabilities on system, and they keep systems safe. They use open source coded tools or licensed. Out of automated scanning tools, companies make their own manuel tests, for determining all vulnerabilities and fix them.



BGA, supports the companies from cyber attacks. BGA company protects its "not selling security, providing security" feature by independent product security approach. BGA offers special consultancy for companies in their information technology services. BGA makes tests on source of companies and sending reports. BGA offers local hacking tests in pentest services, or It can make web security services for which sources opened to internet. Cyber security is protecting privacy and life in cyberspace. All days, cyber attacks increase. Therefore, companies need to increase their network securities and increase their working durations. Need to be taken and determining precautions for provide of network security are be possible with proaktif cyber security techniques. If you compare cyber security and information security; information security more technichally than cyber security. But cyber security has more large network space and more abstract.


Ethical hackers try to can be hack vulnerabilities from hackers. They measure securities of network and applications. And search ways to be safe with analyzing collected informations. These processes make that network system more resistant.

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