Cookie Debugger


Kıdemli Üye
10 Eyl 2012
[B]Cookie Debugger coded by naresh064
   Name: Cookie Debugger
   Description:Creates a list of all cookies and there crumbs along with the values assigned to each one.
   By: ~~PoD~~(naresh064)
   Returns:Returns an orderd list of names and values of cookies and crumbs.
    Response.Write CookieData()
    function CookieData()
    	Dim llngMaxCookieIndex
    	Dim llngCookieIndex
    	Dim llngMaxCrumbIndex
    	Dim llngCrumbIndex
    	Dim lstrDebug
    	' Count Cookies
    	llngMaxCookieIndex = Request.Cookies.Count
    	' Let user know if cookies Do Not exist
    	if llngMaxCookieIndex = 0 Then
    		CookieData = "cookie data is empty."
    		Exit function
    	End if
    	' Begin building a list of all cookies
    	lstrDebug = "<OL>"
    	' Loop through Each cookie
    	For llngCookieIndex = 1 To llngMaxCookieIndex
    		lstrDebug = lstrDebug & "<LI>" & Server.HTMLEncode(Request.Cookies.Key(llngCookieIndex))
    		' Count the crumbs
    		llngMaxCrumbIndex = Request.Cookies(llngCookieIndex).Count
    		' if the cookie doesn't have crumbs ...
    		if llngMaxCrumbIndex = 0 Then
    			lstrDebug = lstrDebug & " = "
    			lstrDebug = lstrDebug & Server.HTMLEncode(Request.Cookies.Item(llngCookieIndex))
    		' Else Loop through Each crumb
    			lstrDebug = lstrDebug & "<OL>"
    			For llngCrumbIndex = 1 To llngMaxCrumbIndex
    				lstrDebug = lstrDebug & "<LI>"
    				lstrDebug = lstrDebug & Server.HTMLEncode(Request.Cookies(llngCookieIndex).Key(llngCrumbIndex))
    				lstrDebug = lstrDebug & " = "
    				lstrDebug = lstrDebug & Server.HTMLEncode(Request.Cookies(llngCookieIndex)(llngCrumbIndex))
    				lstrDebug = lstrDebug & "</LI>"
    			lstrDebug = lstrDebug & "</OL>"
    		End if
    		lstrDebug = lstrDebug & "</LI>"
    	lstrDebug = lstrDebug & "</OL>"
    	' Return the data
    	CookieData = lstrDebug
    End function[/B]

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