

Kıdemli Üye
8 May 2021


Cryptography is a sub-branch of password science. It is the name given to the process used in the case that information becomes unreadable by various mathematical processes.In this system, mathematics is in the infrastructure. The necessary privacy must be ensured for the security of the information.Cryptography is as old a technique as communication. In virtual networking, cryptography protects a scholar from non-active or passive attacks that may be met during transmission or storage.For example, when a password is saved in a database, it is automatically encrypted with an encryption algorithm.MD5 is typically used for jobs like this.

Cryptography Algorithms.
Let's look at the widely known cryptography algorithms.

RSA is an encryption algorithm that tampers with exact numbers that are intended to be used in both message encryption and e-commerce, which are mostly used for electronic signature purposes.As additional information, RSA's name was inspired by the initials of the producers' names.

DSA, on the other hand, is an algorithm known and used with health PFS for tls protocol, which uses logarithmic functionality in key generation.

DES is a symmetrical cryptography algorithm for virtual cryptography.It has a short key length of 56 bits. This feature makes the use of this encryption algorithm unsafe, but it is an algorithm that assigns the thematics of cryptography.

AES is a more secure algorithm to DES. It was developed due to des breakage.Des has created a mathematically generated block encryption algorithm that trims its weaknesses and redundant aspects.It can have 3 different key lengths: 128, 192 bits, 256 bits.In This, it causes the use of AES instead of most cryptography algorithms.

Blowfish is 64-bit in size or has a key length from 32 bits to 448 bits.When DES was inadequate, it began to be encoded instead.The Blowfish algorithm needs at least 4 kb of ram. It is not possible to use it on devices that are too small.

Iron uses the Feistel structure, used to encrypt 65-bit data blocks with a 128-bit key.The number of cycles is between 16 and 32. Subkeys, on the other hand, do not vary according to the number of cycles.It is not a very preferred algorithm due to a number of disadvantages to Hex.

It is an algorithm published in 1993. This algorithm works as fast as AES.However, it uses the Feistel structure as used by DES.It also gives it an extra advantage by having a change-in S-box created using the key.It breaks 128-bit plain text into 32-bit pieces, making most of its operations over 32 bits.

It was developed by a genius named Ron Rivest. It is a one-way encryption algorithm.It serves to check the integrity of the data. This alogirtma works.It produces an output of 128 bits regardless of the value you enter, causing the output to completely change at the slightest bit movement in the input.

There's not much to tell about you. It is already mentioned as the SHA family.It was designed by the National Security Agency of the United States.

Source : Kriptografi nedir? En yaygın kriptografi algoritmaları.

'The Wolf

Kıdemli Üye
22 Nis 2021
Tanrı dağı


Cryptography is a sub-branch of password science. It is the name given to the process used in the case that information becomes unreadable by various mathematical processes.In this system, mathematics is in the infrastructure. The necessary privacy must be ensured for the security of the information.Cryptography is as old a technique as communication. In virtual networking, cryptography protects a scholar from non-active or passive attacks that may be met during transmission or storage.For example, when a password is saved in a database, it is automatically encrypted with an encryption algorithm.MD5 is typically used for jobs like this.

Cryptography Algorithms.
Let's look at the widely known cryptography algorithms.

RSA is an encryption algorithm that tampers with exact numbers that are intended to be used in both message encryption and e-commerce, which are mostly used for electronic signature purposes.As additional information, RSA's name was inspired by the initials of the producers' names.

DSA, on the other hand, is an algorithm known and used with health PFS for tls protocol, which uses logarithmic functionality in key generation.

DES is a symmetrical cryptography algorithm for virtual cryptography.It has a short key length of 56 bits. This feature makes the use of this encryption algorithm unsafe, but it is an algorithm that assigns the thematics of cryptography.

AES is a more secure algorithm to DES. It was developed due to des breakage.Des has created a mathematically generated block encryption algorithm that trims its weaknesses and redundant aspects.It can have 3 different key lengths: 128, 192 bits, 256 bits.In This, it causes the use of AES instead of most cryptography algorithms.

Blowfish is 64-bit in size or has a key length from 32 bits to 448 bits.When DES was inadequate, it began to be encoded instead.The Blowfish algorithm needs at least 4 kb of ram. It is not possible to use it on devices that are too small.

Iron uses the Feistel structure, used to encrypt 65-bit data blocks with a 128-bit key.The number of cycles is between 16 and 32. Subkeys, on the other hand, do not vary according to the number of cycles.It is not a very preferred algorithm due to a number of disadvantages to Hex.

It is an algorithm published in 1993. This algorithm works as fast as AES.However, it uses the Feistel structure as used by DES.It also gives it an extra advantage by having a change-in S-box created using the key.It breaks 128-bit plain text into 32-bit pieces, making most of its operations over 32 bits.

It was developed by a genius named Ron Rivest. It is a one-way encryption algorithm.It serves to check the integrity of the data. This alogirtma works.It produces an output of 128 bits regardless of the value you enter, causing the output to completely change at the slightest bit movement in the input.

There's not much to tell about you. It is already mentioned as the SHA family.It was designed by the National Security Agency of the United States.

Source : Kriptografi nedir? En yaygın kriptografi algoritmaları.
Good Job.
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