Data Gathering with Search Engines


Adanmış Üye
3 Tem 2016
Data Gathering with Google Hacking

Google Hacking (GH) is a summary of Google hack search terms that determines appeared sensitive data of vulnerable servers and web applications.


There are 3 parts of methods of gathering info with GH;

First - gathering data which doesn't utter ethical and illegal concerns: It's all about searching deleted and archived pages, searching for some info about users, and including other important infos. That's called open source white intelligence.

Second - grey intelligence: It's all about increasing erhical concerns and gathering infos such as unconsciously left datas by website owners, structure of website, and configuration parameters of www servers.

Third - illegal and unethical black intelligence: It's all about analyzing, gathering secure info, and gathering configuration parameters of sensitive personal infos, programs and devices.

GH queries are gathering data oriented. It completes with analyzing of gathering info possibilities by FOCA (Fingerprinting Organizations with Collected Archives) program.


Gathering Data with Deep and Dark Web Search

Deep web is a content that you can't find your personal e-mail account, your social media accounts, your online banking account, someone's login pages or a company's private database in normal search engines.

Only difference between Deep web and normal web is that a thin secure layer blocks access to public in deep web but everyone can access to normal web.

Imagine that above-mentioned sensitive and important infos are accessable to normal web. Everyone can see your everything. Even your most personal infos. Websites doesn't index pages with Google authentication.Only certain people need to access those, not everyone.

Dark web is a part of internet that doesn't indexed by modern internet search engines. You probably think thta dark web is a crime activity place. Yes, you're goddamn right. Based on recent researches about classifying content of Dark web, there are %57 illegal content.

Examples of Deep Web Search Engines:

The WWW Virtual Library
Deep Web Research Tools

Examples of Dark Web Search Engines:

Not Evil
Memex Deep Web Search Engine


Translator: R4V3N
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