Everything About SSL Certificate

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19 Tem 2011

This is how websites with SSL certificate look like in browser.


What is SSL?

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. An SSL certificate contains information of the owner/organization, its ******** public key, validity dates, etc.


How Does It Work?

Power of encryption method that used in data flow, depends on key length. Key length is very important for protection of the information.
For example, it's so easy to analyze transmission through 8 bit. One bit may have two different values: 0 or 1.
One bit can have 0 or 1. If a key were eight bits (one byte) long, the keyspace would consist of 2 exponent 8 = 256 possible keys.
A computer can come to a conclusion by analyzing these 256 various possibility in order. SSL protocol has 40-128-256-1024 bit encryption.
128 bit encryption has 2128 various key. It takes so many cost and time to crack it.
A malicious person needs 1 billion dollars and about 67 years to crack 128-bit encryption.
That's how SSL provides whole and complete secure.



- It provides security and privacy in encrypting and decrypting messages.
- It guarantees that the sender and the recipient of the message are the right ones.
- It verifies date and time of transmitted ********s.
- It eases creation of a ******** archive.


Types of SSL Certificates

* On Validation Levels

1- Domain Validated Certificates (DV SSL)

It'a low verify level certificate that just verifies server name and you can even provide it in a couple minutes.

2- Organization Validated Certificates (OV SSL)

An Organization Validation SSL certificate is a high assurance SSL certificate used to validate a company/business/organization.

3- Extended Validation Certificates (EV SSL)

Extended Validation SSL Certificates offer a top-notch level of safety and security that ultimately enhances customer confidence.



* Under Number of Secured Domains/hostnames

4- Single Domain Certificates

Protects a single subdomain/hostname.

5- Multi-Domain SSL Certificates (MDC)

It allows customers to protect up to 100 domains with the help of the same certificate. They are specially designed to secure Microsoft Exchange and Office Communications environments. It protects different domains with a single certificate with the help of the SAN extension.

6- Wildcard SSL Certificates

Protects an unlimited number of subdomains for a single domain.


Original: https://www.turkhackteam.org/web-se...4-ssl-sertifikasi-hakkinda-hersey-pourla.html
Translator: R4V3N
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