FS] IZotope RX Advanced 2.00 VST/AS/RTAS/MAS/AU MAC OSX UB

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3 Nis 2012
Tepkime puanı
IZotope RX Advanced 2.00 VST/AS/RTAS/MAS/AU MAC OSX UB

IZotope RX Advanced 2.00 VST/AS/RTAS/MAS/AU MAC OSX UB - DYNAMiCS | 223 MB
iZotope RX? is the most complete audio restoration product on the market, a unique standalone application designed from the ground up to combat a range of audio problems. In addition to unique workflow features designed to help you get the best results, RX's powerful tools can do processing that plug-in based restoration products simply cannot do. This paired with completely new processing technology results in cleaner, more natural sounding noise reduction and audio repair. RX is ideal for audio restoration and archiving, recording and mastering, broadcasting and podcasting, video production, forensics, and any application that demands spotless results and a truly complete range of restoration tools.
RX Tools:

* Hum Removal: Cleans up electrical hum and line noise.
* Declipper: Rebuilds clipped audio from overloaded A/D converters and analog gear.
* Declicker: Eliminates clicks, crackles, pops and digital impulse noises.
* Denoiser: Removes broadband noise with natural sounding results.
* Spectral Repair: Fixes intermittent noises, corrupted intervals and even gaps in audio.
* Advanced Spectrogram: Displays a visual representation of audio with the greatest time and frequency resolution available.
* Interface and Workflow: RX includes many workflow features designed to simplify audio restoration.


* Mac OS X 10.4.8 or later (Universal Binary)


* Standalone application
* Plug-ins: Pro Tools 7 (RTAS/ AudioSuite), VST, MAS, Audio Unit

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