Galaxy S7 camera module 's front panel and leaked


Kıdemli Üye
22 Haz 2015
The Samsung Galaxy S7 is now less than a month away, with a rumored announcement due for February 21. And right on schedule, after we're almost entirely familiar with the specs and looks of the upcoming flagship, we're now being treated to a couple of photos straight from its production line.

One shows an array of front camera modules, with the SM-G930F model name (which we already know is the Galaxy S7's internal designation, plus the F at the end for regional version) clearly stamped on the board. If that means anything, it's probably revision number 5 of the module, judging by the R05 marking.


Compared to the one inside the existing Galaxy S6, this new camera has its connector offset to one side, while the old one was centered, teardowns revealed.

The second photo depicts the entire smartphone, though in developer attire, making its design nearly recognizable. You're getting the purpose of the rig - to have a functioning device for testing, without revealing the looks.


Despite the sticker on top of the brand name though, the home button and capacitive key markings clearly state Samsung. Which makes it all the more ironic that the shot is taken with what is almost certainly an HTC One, the first one.

Special thanks to Hiep Thong for the images!

Edit: Alıntı notu düşelim lütfen**

Link: Live images of the Samsung Galaxy S7 front camera and display surface - news
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